Supply chain issues

We all saw the media frenzy a couple of years back when the pandemic hit and when toilet paper and other products became hard to get. We saw the long queues in stores, the 7am opening queues, you name it.

Every now and again when another lock down hit, we would see or read of another rush.


Now, I am not a great one for watching TV, although I do see bits and pieces of news, but I haven't seen much at all lately about shortages. I have seen zero panic buying queues. I've seen zero rushes on supplies even when they are available.


But that's the thing. Some items have not been available for quite a while now in my area. I live in Endeavour Hills, Vic. Not giving anything away there as there are 25,000 people here and the local shopping centre has 3 supermarkets-Coles, Aldi's Woolies.

Aldi has not had toilet paper in a month. Coles may or may not have a few rolls, ditto woolies.

Some days there will be none at all, sometimes maybe a couple of dozen or so scattered packs. But no one rushes them or anything.

My guess is most people have a spare pack at home now anyway.


But I haven't seen much on the media about this at all. I am wonmdering if the government asked them to keep it low so as not to stir up panic or panic buying, which I admit is annoying when it happens.


Is this only our area? Or have any others here seen very low (or no) supplies happening again?


I guess it might be happening in other products too but TP is the most noticeable.

I heard also that TP isn't usually made here. Huge rolls are imported from China to Australian manufacters, who then roll it into the individual rolls and package it and it is labelled as made in Australia. Don't know to what extent that is true but it came from a worker at a TP company.



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Re: Supply chain issues

Springy, there is less toilet paper but it’s not completely out of stock. I am more likely to see it on the shelves than in the distribution warehouses for online delivery.


I’m in the eastern suburbs, probably 25-30 minutes from you.


There’s no doubt that some items are not currently available, and that things are more expensive. I expect to see fruit and vegetable prices soar over the next few months. Associated products will rise as well.


Message 2 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

Springy, I went to Woolworths recently after a long time - many empty shelves, something I did not expect at all. I didn't look for toilet paper as I buy it at my local store round the corner (there was a time in 2020 when they ran out of toilet paper for a couple of weeks, but normally they have it). I think I saw it though.

It's just... not over yet - for sure.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

Honored Contributor

I did my usual online shopping today with Woolies.


I'm Melbourne northern subs, Springy.


A lot of pantry items and fruit and vegies were not available.


Toilet paper seemed to be missing a lot of items as well.  Glad I buy in bulk and have plenty.


Fruit and veg should get horribly expensive, even if you can get some, due to the floods up north.   Some already are.





Message 4 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

Hi springy.   Still plenty of supply issues and not confined to the supermarket.

Auto and Machinery parts are in short supply worldwide.   Likewise  electrical and IT parts.   Trade supplies also in high demand.

Now  for the supermarkets,  I can not remember the last time I went to coles and found shelves fully stocked,

Nor can I recall the last time I was able to purchase every item on my list.

Local coles a few weeks back, customers queing up to film empty shelves, now weather was a factor in that event, but by no means the sole factor.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

I haven't seen any glaring gaps on shelves here (Darwin) - but there are a few items on my regular list that have been missing for little while now.  Oddly, woolies brand items (I usually shop at Woollies).  I do think might be some lingering  issues though luckily nothing that has been a real issue for me.  I remember being in Coles several weeks ago and noticed there was not one skerrick of tinned coconut milk or cream in sight.  All okay now though.


We did have stocking issues a couple of months ago when transport routes were cut for a few weeks but it was resolved fairly quickly once the train and trucks were able to move again.  That resulted in totally bare fruit and vegetables shelves for several days.


I don't know if you have a BigW nearby Springy, but if you do, check them out for toilet paper.  The one here has the ginormous packs (48 rolls in a pack - a couple of different brands) and always has plenty.

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

We used to have Big W at the local shops but they closed up and K mart went in there instead.

I'm not a huge K mart fan but they are okay for some things.

There is a Big W not too far away in Fountain gate though. I am off to Fountain Gate tomorrow actually.

Luckily last week in Coles I saw half a dozen packs of the double length rolls which my husband likes. He hates the small rolls that run out quickly. And over the last 2 months I have just had to buy whatever I can get.

Anyway, I didn't really need to buy more TP but while the actual brand and type he liked was available, I bought a pack.


There's a coconut milk infused with curry that I quite like. It is from Aldi's. I haven't been able to buy it for a while but I don't know if it is in short supply or if that is just typical Aldi, because I find you can sometimes get things there for a while then they disappear.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

For Mr Springy -



Message 8 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

Was at my local Coles store In East Ringwood yesterday and I could only buy loo paper in a multi size lot and not much of that was left. Many items on the shelves weren`t available too:-(

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Supply chain issues

I did my weekly grocery shop at Woolworths on Tuesday. As soon as I got there I went to check the toilet paper. The shelves were bare other than a few rolls of a cheaper (rougher) brand. I then went off to complete my shopping, but had to return to the same aisle at the end to get something else. To my surprise was a trolley stacked with my Quilton 3 ply 24 pack rolls. A Woolies lady removed one for me. I considered myself to be quite lucky and am grateful that I won't be walking around bow legged for at least a few weeks. 

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