Terrorist attack in sydney

Community Member

YEP! I warned over 5 years ago that this was coming also.It gets worse.All of this is in the Bible.There is a religious war coming soon.Sorry to advise but the atheists lose.

It turns nuclear.

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Terrorist attack in sydney


Dont you think it an odd coincidence

That the world wide exodus of

Muslims is in line with the gihad

Isis, taliban, daesh and who knows

How many others.



Message 131 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney


The only thing about them that has

And will change is the fact that they

Are now in a different place


And the resentment they recieve

And deserve will create a stronger

Solidary between them and increase

Their hatred of others .

There is no way around what will

Become of this and it will have no

Favorable outcome

Not in 100 years

Not in 1000 years 


Message 132 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

No, it's not odd at all.



There are many very real reasons to flee the wars in the middle east and many/some who do so, have genuine fears and concerns.


It's also an acknowledged fact that many of them are merely seeking better economic conditions.


Fair enough. they want to game the system and  they have some great examples to follow. Many people in the western democracies do just the same.


But meanwhile, while gaming the system or even being genuine, there's an underlying sentiment.


 i.e. . . .    Islam is the true religion, therefore we are injunctioned not to respect people of other faiths as they are willfully infidel.


Because of their opposition to the true faith, those people cannot command our respect, but rather arouse our anger. and from then on . . . it all goes downhill where civilised interaction is concerned.



When a religion takes the position that it is the one true faith and its followers act as if it were, offering disrespect and even violence towards those who disagree, then we have a big problem.


When a country experiences a large influx of people who in common believe such things then something has to give.


It's time to call Islam out. If Islam is to claim the religion of peace title, then it has to revise its religious texts and expunge all that b/s violent attitude towards those who follow other religions.








Message 133 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney


You can't fight a sword

With political correctness


What you need is a sword

Message 134 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney


I agree with everything you've


How is this going to happen

In  a democraitic society all are

Free to pursue any religious


This is where our hands are tied

Message 135 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

" . . . And the resentment they recieve

And deserve will create a stronger

Solidary between them and increase

Their hatred of others . . ."


The resentment I feel is because of their arrogance and supremacist position, holding that people who are not Muslim are less than the dirt beneath their feet.


Yes, they are strangers in a strange land and will naturally group together in solidarity.


To them, they are the Ummah and we are the infidel, to be pitied, disrespected and even reviled.


I hate religion precisely because of this character it has of segregating diverse groups of people and labelling some  as "us" and by definition, labelling other groups of people as "them".



Message 136 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney


Yes , well its a situation that

Has no forseeable resolution

The majority who are here

To escape the bloodshed

Have inadvertantly brought

It along for the ride


Message 137 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

@opmania wrote:


I agree with everything you've


How is this going to happen

In  a democraitic society all are

Free to pursue any religious


This is where our hands are tied

Our minds are not tied.



We can approach our relations with others with Reason and with compassion.



I'm aware that I approach believers in religion with compassion for their benighted state.


So I am no different to them, inasmuch as I believe I hold the Truth and they do not.


I'm a bit different, inasmuch as I won't shoot or bomb or otherwise cause injury to those who I believe are misled by a very dangerous and destructive myth.



Message 138 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

@opmania wrote:


Yes , well its a situation that

Has no forseeable resolution

The majority who are here

To escape the bloodshed

Have inadvertantly brought

It along for the ride


Some have come here seeking refuge. Some have come here seeking improved economic conditions under the pretext of being refugee and it's also likely that some have come here having a political and religious agenda.



How to tell the difference?


How to tell the difference when the govt sees immigrants as facilitators of preventing wages growth which would cause directors of companies and businesses to cry in their beer Dom Perignon?



Message 139 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

@Well Mike is covering the family up.  Doubt he would do the same if it was a Judge or Politican he shot.  In typical Australian fashion is he trying to put the blame on someone else for this terrorist's action.  People in this country seemed to be taught you are not responsible for anything you do just blame it on someone else.  The good Mike I always supported no doubt will be flying the family home with this animals body at taxpayer expense and have a new home waiting on their back in Australia if they wish to come in case they are bullied.  They also had another member of the family that was in trouble but they do not want them deported. 

Message 140 of 230
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