Terrorist attack in sydney

Community Member

YEP! I warned over 5 years ago that this was coming also.It gets worse.All of this is in the Bible.There is a religious war coming soon.Sorry to advise but the atheists lose.

It turns nuclear.

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Terrorist attack in sydney

Interesting points you raise lapetus.  I wonder about your statements that Islam holds itself as the only true faith though.  I'm not religious at all but I have heard the Roman Catholic Mass a few times and heard, amongst other things:


For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen


I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.


Same thing surely?  And, in my view anyway, equally as damaging. 

Message 141 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

@opmania wrote:


The average man in the street

Has no choice and are unfortunately

Stuck with these people who

 Would be terrorists

You on the other hand seem

To relish there presence here

And one would have to ask


The average man in the street?


Doesn't that belong in the other thread?

Message 142 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

Lurker said-

Interesting points you raise lapetus.  I wonder about your statements that Islam holds itself as the only true faith though.  I'm not religious at all but I have heard the Roman Catholic Mass a few times and heard, amongst other things:


For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen


I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.


Same thing surely?  And, in my view anyway, equally as damaging. 


All religions believe their own messages are the truth.


This isn't just so for eg catholics, it is equally true of other branches of christianity eg Jehovah's witnesses, and other religions eg Jewish.


There is one huge difference though. Massive.

At this moment in history, the Christians don't believe it is their holy duty to kill unbelievers.


Unfortunately, some branches of Islam do.

Message 143 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

Community Member

Islam is an ideology that does not fit with Christian values or Christian countries.


Islam has never had a reformation so it is still a stone age ideology.


Message 144 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

@djlukjilly wrote:

Islam is an ideology that does not fit with Christian values or Christian countries.


Islam has never had a reformation so it is still a stone age ideology.


no it's not.


it's an early middle age ideologie. allah revealed the quran to mohammed in 610 A.D.

Message 145 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

@lal-au0 wrote:

@djlukjilly wrote:

Islam is an ideology that does not fit with Christian values or Christian countries.


Islam has never had a reformation so it is still a stone age ideology.


no it's not.


it's an early middle age ideologie. allah revealed the quran to mohammed in 610 A.D.

There lies the whole crux of the religion.


It was revealed to one man who spread the word that he "believed" in.


To me Islam is all for the benefit of the male and as such would never have have being "invented" by a deity.


Instead it was "invented" for the benefit of the males and the control that this gives them over women.


It's all about male dominance and could've started as a way to control women and after it worked in it's initial stage it was


expanded the same way that ISIS is doing it now.


Unfortunately parts of that early text pertaining to the hate speech are still in place today and should've being removed years ago


to bring the "religion of peace" into the modern world.


I have a friend who is a devout Christian and he frustrated the carp out of me sometimes when we are playing golf in a match play




He is forever saying: thank you god if we win a hole or one of us plays a good shot,etc,(because that's how his brain has been 


programmed through his belief that his "god" is responsible for everything good that happens).


That's exactly the same as to how the Islamic religion works but they have the violence and hate speech in their holy book,(


so to them it's a natural acceptence of how their religion works and they see nothing wrong with how  it's been enforced by a


radical side).


That's why they don't "dob" in their own as they believe that what ISIS is doing is bringing others into their believe in the one


true religion,whether they want to or not.



Message 146 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

It actually makes you a leech.

My parents came from another country. Collected nothing from the government, ever, became citizens as soon as they could.


Oh, it gets even worse, Nev. I was actually paid to come here - I was a ten quid tourist.


But I'm curious, didn't your mum get child endowment for you? Was she a stay-at-home mum and if so didn't your dad claim her as a dependnat on his tax?, didn't you go to school here? (even private schools received government subsidies) 



Message 147 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney


Believe it or not there are some

People in this country who

Wont accept handouts and

Would rather work for their


Message 148 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

It used to be that Australia needed immigrants so that they would work and help to build and develop our country.

These immigrants were usually skilled at some trade or had other qualifications which would make them attractive to a small but growing young country.




i have a feeling that the great she elephant

knows exactly what the difference is 

between our post war immigration intake

and the current refugees situation.


her example is irrelevant to the discussion.



Message 149 of 230
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Terrorist attack in sydney

Did I ever say I never  worked here?


Child endowment, medicare, free education and  an aged pension are not the sole prerogative of 'dole bludgers."

Message 150 of 230
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