on 07-08-2015 01:20 PM
OK I know it's lousy but such a fun show to watch and I miss MasterChef.
Anyone else watching the show, you've got to read this hilarious article about the latest episode 😄
By Jo Thornely
on 24-09-2015 11:05 PM
I loved the show. Hilarious.
Aaaw.. Drew. I just love him but a possible haircut is in order. I like Dave the plumber too springyzone. He had a good date and I like him but I've gotta say that Azureline is right. Never trust a tradie to fix things around their own house.
Far out, I thought they would keep Dave the model in it for amusement but once he said that she was after a baby daddy I knew he was gone.
Sasha still gives me the creeps a bit.
on 25-09-2015 07:51 AM
I watched last night with my DiL. OMG that was so funny! Model guy gave such a sterling performance of how not to behave. He BROKE THE SACRED BRO-CODE for heavens sake!
I doubt I'll be watching again though, (unless I'm back here with DiL again when it's on )
on 25-09-2015 11:09 AM
Well I'll be watching again , it's such bubble entertainment and makes a change from all the heavy stuff I watch. Apparently the show rated the highest viewers last night. No surprise that the model went, I can't help wondering if he went on just to get
publicity. I like the footballer Michael now. It's interesting to see them on a one to one. Fact is Sasha makes her tongue-tied, she says, so that's telling. Who knows.
on 25-09-2015 11:42 AM
I doubt very much that Heather will be the next bachelorette. I think she's already carving out a tv career. She is playing a guest host on Studio 10 today. It would be over in eastern states by now.
I had a feeling that 10 would hang on to her just as they did with Chrissy Swan.
on 25-09-2015 11:59 AM
Yes, you could be right.
Part of going on is for publicity with quite a few of them, I am sure, and once they make a niche they wouldn't need to go on the show again.
The bachelorette has such a different vibe. When that man came back from his date, they all gave a big cheer & whistles, not like when the women got back.
My fav of them all has always been Michael. I think he has the best looks, very cute. I just thought a plumber might be useful, a sportsman will be on the move all the time unless he settles down into coaching as he gets older. (which may happen).
As for the model, I'm betting he was there for his career, he gave good value.
Did anyone else notice Osher didn't say to him-'Please take a moment to say your goodbyes' to the other guys. Osher just walked off.
I enjoy it, light entertainment.
on 30-09-2015 01:39 PM
@j*oono wrote:I loved the show. Hilarious.
Aaaw.. Drew. I just love him but a possible haircut is in order. I like Dave the plumber too springyzone. He had a good date and I like him but I've gotta say that Azureline is right. Never trust a tradie to fix things around their own house.
Far out, I thought they would keep Dave the model in it for amusement but once he said that she was after a baby daddy I knew he was gone.
Sasha still gives me the creeps a bit.
I pick Drew. Not for Sam, but for me. But the hair must stay.
You might be right about Sasha. Tonight he makes the move.
02-10-2015 09:15 PM - edited 02-10-2015 09:17 PM
I thought Will made a surprisingly impressive model in the dog shoot. His was the most interesting pose, as far as I was concerned But he never did seem to be the right fit for Sam, not surprised he has gone. He needs an interesting, quirky sort of girl.
Did anyone notice how different Osher was-all this 'You didn't get a rose, please take a moment to say goodbye."
Much nicer than how they left David the model like a shag on a rock. Osher just said something like 'You didn't get a rose."
Then turned on his heel and left.
Sort of goading the model on, as he hadn't been told what to do, so of course he went up to Sam and spoke. Maybe not wisely. But it may have been different if he had had a chance to shake hands with half the men & say goodbye beforehand.
on 03-10-2015 10:44 AM
I'd think they get a chance to mingle afterwards, I don't think they 'd be shoved in the car straightaway. And David seems a complex young man, he may have general problems with relationships going on what I saw. He seemed to put everyone offside there.
on 08-10-2015 09:25 PM
Richie was a hoot tonight:D
I think Dave the plumber might be a bit too deep for her.
I believe that Sash and Michael are still front runners with the physical attraction.
Davy has buckleys.
09-10-2015 10:27 AM - edited 09-10-2015 10:30 AM
Davey was always going to go, agreed.
Dave might be out next episode, nice guy but it just isn't happening between them by the looks of it.
Alex-lovely man but too serious & refinded for her IMO.
Sasha- maybe too intense.
Michael, nope, just doesn't seem the right body type for what she goes for, though she likes him fine.
Richie, I think he has to be a front runner. Exactly right for her. Nice guy, not too deep, a bit outgoing and up for fun but still sensible.
I haven't seen her looking that relaxed with anyone else. Perfect match. I wouldn't be surprised if he won it.