on โ23-02-2014 11:56 AM
The class wars & sexist wars Labor waged to take the spotlight off their failings have now reaped what they sowed. A country riven by division & hate all at the hand of Mr Rudd & Miss Gillard & her supporters.
From the very first minute the new Abbott government was elected the disappointed started with their T Shirts emblazoned with hate speech & filth.
The new government received no honeymoon from the media unlike the nearly 2 years of Rudd dysfunction then the total failure of Miss Gillard. All they concentrated on was Abbott's unpopularity which in the end, brought Labor down because in their conceit they never saw the train coming.
Labor has abrogated any responsibility for their loss, they have conducted no introspection as to why they failed so comprehensively & now we are witness to Mr Shorten clinging onto the very failed policies that saw them routed.
What a sorry mess.
on โ23-02-2014 01:37 PM
@polocross58 wrote:.
but the constant harping in defence of what proved an indefensible rabble of a party -- Labor --
certainly suggests to the majority of Australians that it must a be a long time if ever
Actually polo the only people referring back to the Labor Party are those of right winged persuasion who seem to bring up pre-election anti Labor slogans when they are not sure what else to say.
It seems to me that rather than address the comments on the current government, it is easier to deflect by hysterically pointing everyone in another direction.
I would appreciate it if you could provide comment on the handling of the CURRENT Manus Island situation.
on โ23-02-2014 01:38 PM
@polocross58 wrote:.
The media certainly made no fanfare of Kevin Rudd's failure to land anything approaching the high-profile
position he's been seeking during his months' long odyssy around the globe
And again deflection.
What on earth has that post to do with ANYTHING??
on โ23-02-2014 01:43 PM
@i-need-a-martini wrote:
@polocross58 wrote:.
The media certainly made no fanfare of Kevin Rudd's failure to land anything approaching the high-profile
position he's been seeking during his months' long odyssy around the globe
And again deflection.
What on earth has that post to do with ANYTHING??
maybe hate of something?
โ23-02-2014 01:45 PM - edited โ23-02-2014 01:45 PM
@polocross58 wrote:.
Indeed, it's been suggested more than once by mental health experts that Labor itself is bereft of
mental health
and similar mental affliction affects Labor supporters
Any chance of providing some links to these mental health experts who've made such declarations?
on โ23-02-2014 01:45 PM
it has a everything to do with panic and deflection
on โ23-02-2014 01:46 PM
Actually, Rudd being made a laughing-stock world-wide as result of his refusing to remove himself from the public eye
and Rudd's having to sink to the level of post-grad student by accepting what was obviously the only position open to him -- as a researcher in a US university
reminds people of Gillard
who also had to align herself with a university to save face after being dumped by the public at large
Gillard tossed what the media reported as $100 million Aussie taxpayers' dollars at an unknown SA university
--- some say she and the uni did a deal which to most people could be said to rest on such a generous donation of funds
Not funds from Gillard's pocket -- oh no
Funds grabbed from Aussies' pockets
Yet it's strange, as people agree
Because only a short time earlier, Australia had been SO BROKE
that dumped-Treasurer Wayne Swan
ransacked Aussies' private bank accounts
Labor gave themselves permission to ransack Aussies' private bank accounts over the Christmas break when Mums and Dads were struggling to buy Christmas presents for their kids
Wayne Swan sank as low as to ransack Aussies' bank accounts in order to get his hands on what was said to be a desperate shortage of funds, courtesy of Labor's insane mismanagement
So after ransacking Aussies' private bank accounts
Swan got his hands on $109 million dollars
Which Gillard then -- according to the media --- tossed in the direction of a South Australian university
which returned the compliment by handing her a position at that institution
No-one asked me or anyone I know if we minded padding up Gillard's vanity through ransacking of our private bank accounts
Labor theft, basically. And for what? So a big-bottomed failure could pretend to be a minor success on some obscure front?
on โ23-02-2014 01:50 PM
My account wasn't ransacked it was actually topped up
on โ23-02-2014 01:50 PM
well thats one twisted way of looking at it. pity it is mostly invention.
on โ23-02-2014 01:51 PM
never let the facts get in the way of a good rant aye polosocks
on โ23-02-2014 01:52 PM
Trust funds were ransacked by Labor's failed Treasurer Swan
And the accounts of those who possess savings they don't need to touch
Those were the accounts ransacked by Labor
Clearly, Labor could not ransack bank accounts that were empty or did not exist