The Oscars Slap

what do we think? was the joke worthy of the slap?

not in my view.

bad taste for sure.

something will smith could have addressed in a civilised manner.

no after thought sorry will cuy it, IMO

he must have the statue taken back

violence cannot be rewarded

Message 1 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

Will Smith could have gone up to Chris Rock (as he did), and said “One moment”, turned to the audience, and said “Making an offensive comment of this nature is not on. It’s not the first time Mr Rock has targeted my wife in this way. Humiliating someone over a medical condition is not acceptable - and I don’t care whether Mr Rock thinks he’s being funny or not. If anyone here thinks it’s okay or good for a laugh, you’re encouraging this sort of abusive behaviour. That’s all that I want to say.”


He could have taken his seat, secure in the knowledge that he had called out the bad behaviour and defended his wife publicly. Chris Rick would have ended up with egg on his face. Will Smith would have looked like a gentleman.


Ahhhh… the impossible resolutions of shoulda coulda woulda…



Message 21 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

I take all your points janeababe. But one thing I need to stress is the so called rules and criteria for acceptable behavior differ from man to man. Add testosterone and you have an unpredictable situation that you take on at your own risk. One can judge all they like and say what  the person could have, or should have done, but only a brave or foolish person finds out for real. I've got a feeling this is a Venus and Mars thing, but that's ok.


Add testosterone….   Really? That’s your ingredient for unpredictable behaviour? Oh give me a break…… blame it on testosterone!  Tsk tsk.  

How about we blame it on Ego! 

Smith let his ego take over and he acted out like a big ole bully! Televised around the world! 

And I also take it you’ve never to a good old country B&S Ball either…. Or even a busy bush pub on live music night? 😉

The ‘gals’ could leave a blokes ‘testosterone’ theory for dead.  

I’ve seen women who could deck a man in the flash of a second!  So, should we blame their oestrogen  levels for that? 

I just believe that Will Smith didn’t have a good enough reason to hit Chris Rock for his comments.  Be angry? Yes!  

Demand an apology? Absolutely!! 
Confront him? Possibly, but really not necessary, considering his seating distance from the stage. 

Big Ole Bully.



Thats my 6 cents worth 😉

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Message 22 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

I think it was 8 cents worth LOL. 

Message 23 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

I think it was 8 cents worth LOL. 



I’ll pay that comeback! 


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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 24 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

I'm going for 10 cents - a B&S Ball - in Gilgandra - to say nothing of the recovery party next night, LOL


Message 25 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

My first B&S ball was in Tullamore NSW.


Man oh man….. a night to remember, 😂😂

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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 26 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

My first B&S ball was Barradine. Everyone was dressed in garbage bags. We were very creative with our designs! I think the "recovery" the next day was worse than the actual event the night before. I paid dearly for the next week.


For my 20c worth, my husband has a disfigurement. If someone decided to publicly humiliate him on stage in front of a crowd, I'd get up and slap them in the face too. People we know and love can make fun, but definitely not someone trying to take the pish out of someone just for laughs.


Do I agree with what Smith did? Not necessarily. I can understand why he reacted the way he did though.


There, I said it. Sue me. 

Message 27 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

Man, is he that stupid?


Seems so.


One notable new bit of information is the Academy stating they asked Will Smith to leave the Dolby Theatre but Smith refused to do so. One of the biggest bits of scrutiny regarding the handling of the moment was Smith not being removed from the auditorium. The Academy has offered clarification saying Smith was asked to leave but refused.


Will Smith was asked to leave Oscars ceremony but refused, film academy says (

Message 28 of 81
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Re: The Oscars Slap

Re: The Oscars Slap

@davidc4430 wrote:

what do we think? was the joke worthy of the slap?

not in my view.

bad taste for sure.

something will smith could have addressed in a civilised manner.

no after thought sorry will cuy it, IMO

he must have the statue taken back

violence cannot be rewarded

Dumb, lefty cancel culture at work. The thing the lefty cancel culture proponents dont seem to be able to understand or comprehend is it is two completely separate issues. He won the statue for  his film work the previous year, not for his conduct relating to the insulting and offensive comments about his wife's medical condition that where beamed around the world from the podium of Hollywood's most prestigious annual event.


By all means take action over the events of the night including legal action for assault if that is what those involved wish to do, but it is a completely separate issue to any awards for past achievements or potential future achievements. He is human and he made a mistake. Deal with it in an appropriate and proportionate way and move on.  


And while we are on the subject, where is the lefty outrage at the globally telecast, public ridicule Smiths wife endured over a medical condition she suffers from that I imagine would be quite distressing for any woman, let alone one with such a high public profile.


Those calling for Smith to be cast into exile, never to work again are a bunch of nasty, brainless hypocrites if you ask me.


Message 30 of 81
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