The Pope retires? ?:|

I wouldn't have thought it would be the kind of job you retired from - I thought those guys kept their jobs until their death?

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The Pope retires? ?:|

The Pope is only retiring as head of the church and State, not the hierarchy.

When he reverts to his previous role as Cardinal on the 28th, I presume that he will have a vote in who the new Pope will be.


When I first read the news of his retirement, I immediately thought it was because he wanted to spend more time with his family.

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The Pope retires? ?:|

Community Member

The Pope is only retiring as head of the church and State, not the hierarchy.

When he reverts to his previous role as Cardinal on the 28th, I presume that he will have a vote in who the new Pope will be.


When I first read the news of his retirement, I immediately thought it was because he wanted to spend more time with his family.




He will not  automatically revert to being cardinal and I doubt he will be re-appointed as at the age of 80 they are no longer active members of the departments of the Roman Curia.  He would not be able to vote to elect the new pope.


As to the OP,  a Pope has the option to retire at the age of 85.



Oh and yep, I do hope the next Pope is a Catholic.









Message 32 of 51
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The Pope retires? ?:|

• Benedict says he wishes to continue to serve the Catholic church "through a life dedicated to prayer". He will revert to his former title of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger upon his resignation, the Catholic church in England said. There was “absolute silence” this morning when the pope told ca... who witnessed his resignation.


Apologies Meep.........I must have misunderstood the news report.

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The Pope retires? ?:|

Community Member

You didnt misunderstand the 'news report' which doesnt say who made that statement from what I could see. (i tried to follow the links to find more info but it took me back to the same page)


I did see a spokesperson referring to a book looking for answers at a press conference today.  I dont think, at this stage, they are sure what is going to happened. 

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The Pope retires? ?:|

Meep,it was published the UK ...and quoted 'The Catholic Church in England"

That's all that I know about it.

But I bet I am one of the few who has been  in the creepy underground caverns at the Vatican and seen the dead Popes, et al  in their glass coffins in wall cavities.  Don't was a terrible mistake that scarred me for life.

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The Pope retires? ?:|

Community Member

Well, at least you can put that down to experience I guess and as you said, not that many people could say the same.  At this stage, I feel that I would like to go there but who knows how I would feel afterwards.  I have seen worse though.




As for the pope being able to vote for his successor, I feel confident in saying that he will no longer have the power to take part in the Conclave but as far as retaining his title as Cardinal, I am not certain but I think you may be right, he will not lose that title.

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The Pope retires? ?:|

Community Member

(Vatican Radio) Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation from the Petrine office on Monday morning, effective February 28th, 2013 at 8PM Rome Time. The Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, gave a briefing to journalists in the Press Office of the Holy See at 12:30 PM Monday afternoon, during which he clarified the following points:
Pope Benedict XVI has given his resignation freely, in accordance with Canon 332 §2 of the Code of Canon Law.
Pope Benedict XVI will not take part in the Conclave for the election of his successor.Pope Benedict XVI will move to the Papal residence in Castel Gandolfo when his resignation shall become effective.
When renovation work on the monastery of cloistered nuns inside the Vatican is complete, the Holy Father will move there for a period of prayer and reflection.

Message 37 of 51
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The Pope retires? ?:|

I think the best Pope ever was John XXIII. He dragged the church kicking and screaming into the 20th century, blew away centuries of cobwebs and rocked the boat so thoroughly that the College of Cardinals made sure they never elected anyone else with even a whiff of liberalism in him

Message 38 of 51
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The Pope retires? ?:|

The pope said he was 'spiritualy tired'.... what a wierd thing to say.

Message 39 of 51
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The Pope retires? ?:|

more to come

Tommy Loves Everyone... Im a 75 year old nutcase..
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