The welfare mentality

Do you think that the world owes you a living?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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The welfare mentality

I hope to read some sensible replies in the morning......

Message 91 of 116
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The welfare mentality

you must have missed it.   do people here bag Bill gates ? do they admonish zukerberg ? i wonder where the difference lies  Smiley LOL

Message 92 of 116
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The welfare mentality

@soul_art wrote:

This isn't to anyone in particular, it's that the reply button goes to the last poster.




So, from reading this and other threads it seems if a person has a, hmm, lets's say " a disliked personality" then they are open to hate, ridicule etc about how much money they earn and people jump on the band wagon saying they should pay more tax.


If, on the other hand a person earns mega bucks from singing, acting etc's okay becasue they have a "likeable personality" ??


Why isn't a persons fav actor/singer bombarded with hate,ridicule about how they should pay more tax????


Do they "work" harder?


Do they employ more people?


Do they "do good" ??


Truely, I am perplexed by the attitude that people who earn mega bucks should PAY !!!!


There are so many reasons that people earn more money than you and me.....intelligence,luck,connections,family,talent etc......why the hate, the jealousy, the envy ??


 No one should be made to feel bad becasue of what they earn, and I'm once again sick of reading rubbish piled on those who do.


As I've said before, I can understand not liking a persons personality but not liking a person becasue of how much money they earn????


Take a minute to think about the income of your fav actor/ do they compare to a person who may earn the same but who you may find distasteful?......why should it make any difference??


off my horse again but geez, so sick of the rich bashing.

I haven't seen any "hate or envy" here, except maybe the "welfare mentality" op. It's not "rich bashing" that is going on, it's actually "poor bashing". So far there has been no mention of the top 20% income "earners" in this country having to do any "heavy lifting", only the disabled, the aged, the unemployed and low paid workers. Why aren't you "sick" of this.


It's not a case of "not liking" any person, it's simply the approach of this government - putting the burden on those that can least afford it. Good on you if you think that's OK, if people wish to see this as envy or jealousy that is their opinion.


It's not personal, I have the same respect of the idle rich as they do of the working class. I am perplexed by those who think it's fine that some of our taxation laws see those who earn the least end up paying more (as in superannuation taxation). But that's fine, I suppose the rich need all the support they can get.

Message 93 of 116
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The welfare mentality

oh and by the way, Mr Boris and I don't get any welfare at all and Mr Boris is on quite a high income, not luck, not family connections but long hard won struggles by workers led by their Trade Union. 

Message 94 of 116
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The welfare mentality

Actually, the age of entitlement is over, according to this news article: Wills & Kate Surprised To Learn Age Of Entitlement Over In Australia

Message 95 of 116
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The welfare mentality

Woman LOLWas that why abbott was manhandling prince whatshisname.

Message 96 of 116
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The welfare mentality

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution"


Monman . . . so how much do think you deserve, since by your own admission you pay no (income) taxes; in other words your contribution to society is nothing. When (if ever) should a person stop contributing while still expecting society to continue to "give" ?

Message 97 of 116
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The welfare mentality

lakeland and catmad, your posts weren't here when I posted about reading sensible posts.....sorry if it seemed I was posting to you.


I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not and it isn't just about "rich bashing" oh and I think I've said it before, a person like Gina, well, I wouldn't like her if she had 20 dollars or 20 billion dollars but she isn't a rep for mega rich people, so why she's held up as a figure head I have no idea.


I guess for me it boils down to one statement......and then I'll leave the subject alone.



The bitter twisted seeds of discontent being spread throughout this forum is Evil......people need to say something about it or Evil will win.

Message 98 of 116
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The welfare mentality

Community Member

Without resorting to the "emotive" twaddle some on here are so fond of,  the real question is:


The incomings do not cover the outgoings.


So if all the "emotive" codswallop put up to obscure the fact that if the country keeps on going without structural reform of the budget then we will become a banana republic. We will simply not have enough to cover all the welfare currently being paid.


This is purely an economic problem Labor ignored, spent it all and now something has to be done to stop the headlong rush into insolvency.


This is not about the "whats in it for me" mentality that has burgeoned under previous governments, the money is just not there.


Labor know this but they are still indulging in scare tactics and verballing because they are fighting for political relevance.

Message 99 of 116
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The welfare mentality

Community Member

Class warfare is alive and well on here, the hate  Murdoch, Rhinehart and anybody else who has made it. People who say they would hate her even if she wasn't rich? what's that about.


The bile that spills out onto this forum is there every day to see, the disappointed are flooding the forum with despicable verbiage and spleen vents, have done from the minute Labor was jettisoned by Australians.


Must be a left thing, Bill can't see the damage they did, can't rectify the anathema the labor party is held in, can't move forward and can't go back, stuck, just some like on here.

Message 100 of 116
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