on 22-04-2014 07:13 PM
Do you think that the world owes you a living?
on 25-04-2014 03:44 PM
oops paid
and good on you BTW
on 25-04-2014 04:18 PM
@debra9275 wrote:CM those are the sort of things I thought we pad our taxes for.
Problem is the incoming taxes are not enough to cover the outging expenses.... no matter how anyone looks at it things are getting harder and unfortunatly the poorer ones will be the ones to be impacted most because they rely more heavily on the outgoing expenses...
I am under no illusion that there will not be much of a pension when I get old so hope to be able to increase my superannuation so that I can be self reliant. I hope more people understand that too.
and thanks.... studying hard... all seems a bit foreign to me... I am hoping chemistry starts to makes sense soon.. lol
on 25-04-2014 04:18 PM
"As the French historian Louis Blanc said "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".
History indeed, together with Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, Marx and all but a few communist regimes.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" is more applicable here I would assert. But wait for a few microseconds and our resident red flag waver, B1G, might pause from his perpetual castigation of all things Liberal to add to the topic.
on 25-04-2014 04:38 PM
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution"
Or in other words, the Gina Rhinehardts of this world should pay a lot more tax - but they need not worry because the Government would give it all back to them again, while pensioners, who do not pay any tax (well, not income tax, anyway) should be denied all taxpayer funded services. Yes, I can see the logic in that.
on 25-04-2014 04:54 PM
on 25-04-2014 05:24 PM
@monman12 wrote:"As the French historian Louis Blanc said "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".
History indeed, together with Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, Marx and all but a few communist regimes.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" is more applicable here I would assert. But wait for a few microseconds and our resident red flag waver, B1G, might pause from his perpetual castigation of all things Liberal to add to the topic.nɥºɾ
monman12, perpetual castigation of all things Liberal - well I wouldn't put it that way myself, I prefer the term conservative. I do however admire the constant barrage of praise for all things conservative, right wing and anti working class. It's wonderful to know that there are those who will act as a cheer squad for those who wish to fill their private coffers to the detriment of all others, well done.
on 25-04-2014 06:02 PM
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution"
And you will remind our gallant Treasurur of this won't you, while he is carving up the proceeds from the GST.
on 25-04-2014 07:26 PM
This isn't to anyone in particular, it's that the reply button goes to the last poster.
So, from reading this and other threads it seems if a person has a, hmm, lets's say " a disliked personality" then they are open to hate, ridicule etc about how much money they earn and people jump on the band wagon saying they should pay more tax.
If, on the other hand a person earns mega bucks from singing, acting etc ....it's okay becasue they have a "likeable personality" ??
Why isn't a persons fav actor/singer bombarded with hate,ridicule about how they should pay more tax????
Do they "work" harder?
Do they employ more people?
Do they "do good" ??
Truely, I am perplexed by the attitude that people who earn mega bucks should PAY !!!!
There are so many reasons that people earn more money than you and me.....intelligence,luck,connections,family,talent etc......why the hate, the jealousy, the envy ??
No one should be made to feel bad becasue of what they earn, and I'm once again sick of reading rubbish piled on those who do.
As I've said before, I can understand not liking a persons personality but not liking a person becasue of how much money they earn????
Take a minute to think about the income of your fav actor/singer.......how do they compare to a person who may earn the same but who you may find distasteful?......why should it make any difference??
off my horse again but geez, so sick of the rich bashing.
on 25-04-2014 07:39 PM
IF a particular person with their inherited wealth did not attempt to influence the public debate by buying a stake in a television network and personally sponsoring (perhaps buying up is a better way of putting it ) a columnist and half- baked tv megaphone to impose their views upon the population they may be a little more popular. especially if they hold views that don't belong in a modern democracy.
on 25-04-2014 07:41 PM
bravo Soul... fantastic post....