Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

MAVERICK LNP backbencher Jason Woodforth will call on his parliamentary colleagues to "open their minds" and allow a medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland.The Nudgee MP, who famously lobbied the party room to rid the state's water supplies of fluoride said he would use the first party room meeting back, expected to be held on February 10, to put his case."I will be lobbying for a trial," Mr Woodforth said. "It's time we opened up our minds and listened and did something about it."Bodybuilding MP advocates eating naked in front of mirrorMr Woodforth said he was moved to take a stand after reading the story of epileptic eight-year-old Tara O'Connell's recovery in The Sunday Mail.Would you support a medicinal cannabis trial? Tell us below.Doctors had told Tara's family she would be lucky to make it to the age of nine but her mother Cheri said her health improved dramatically after Tara was treated with medicinal cannabis sourced from Nimbin.The family is now treating Tara's older brother Sean's epilepsy using the liquid from of medicinal cannabis as well.Mr Woodforth said he not advocating to legalise cannabis but rather to trial the use of a medicinal version like the one used by the O'Connell family.Eight-year-old Tara O'Connell administers medical cannabis to treat her epilepsy. Picture: News Limited. Source: News Limited"What I wasn't aware of ... is that there's two types of cannabis. There's the medicinal and there's the bit that gets you high," he said."The people who know about it don't want the high. They want the medicinal because they know what it does. Let's explore this."Mr Woodforth said he was incensed the Federal Health Department had issued a response highlighting the illegality of cannabis rather than one saying they would investigate Tara O'Connell's recovery further."Why aren't we saying ... let's have a look at this, let's explore, let's research," he said. "But no, we just want to go and shoot it down. This madness has to stop. We can't just sit on our hands and say 'no, it's a fluke" because its not. There's lots of incidents in the US where people have been cured of things like cancer. As politicians we need to have an open mind and listen. Too often we don't."A spokeswoman for Health Minister Lawrence Springborg said the Minister was not considering such a trial but Mr Woodforth said he would lobby his colleagues in a bid to change their minds. He said he also planned to lobby the LNP party room to consider a referendum on daylight saving.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 1 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

I suspect my landlord to be a culprit in the dissapearance of an allaged very large & very pungent plant that was allegedly in the general vicinity of my yard last year.I do hate that horrible old man,i would have been happier if a roo ate it.

Message 31 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

If a child cannot function due to continual seizures and no medications work..... the next step is to remove part of the childs brain.


An oil extract from cannabis, can completely change the childs life.....No THC is in the oil. This oil cannot get people high....


How can it not be available to those who can benefit from it?




This is just one example of how it could change the quality of peoples lives.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 32 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

How many people have been sucker punched by someone on weed ?  I've never sucker punched anyone and I don't use cannabis.  A lot of those that do are probably using another illegal substance such as crack ice or amphetamines.


How many people have been glassed or assaulted by someone on weed ?  See above

How many late-night pizza joints would go out of business if weed was eradicated ?

I don't use cannabis but I do love pizza.  I like it with a bit of sun dried tomato.


How many weed partakers have died of lung cancer ?  I would have thought many.


The way I see it is that most of the supporters of wanting to legalise marijuana may be promoting it as a breakthrough in medicinal treatment and I do agree with that, are really just wanting to be able to grow their own and smoke in peace and oblivion.  It should be available to those that need it but regulated.  I have seen the articles about the cannabis oil and for those that need it they shouldn't have to get it from under the counter.


Message 33 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

That's right.......it should be available legally.....in a form that can be given in a measurable dose.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 34 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

people already do what they like and the entire thing is tax free. they don't care about the law as to them its proven wrong. this helps them to think perhaps all the hype about ice and smack is also untrue.  the illegality of dope doesn't help in this regard.

Message 35 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

This is about medical marijuana Ll.... (in cannabis oil there is no THC.....therefore no high.)....it won't appeal to those


trying to just"get off"......... having said that, those with terminal cancer however,......should be allowed THC .....depends on illness.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 36 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

I see  Tony Bower got raided again




what would you do if it was your child?











atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 37 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

today tonight link





atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 38 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

Not applicable

Time to bump, especially in light of  a few 'goose' statements made today by those up high.

Bear in mind they are talking about making life easier for people with 'terminal' cancer.

Baird -- essentially "I am all for it but we need to consider how to regulate the supply"

Obviously the regulations for restricting supply are already there. They are called prescriptions.

Some Doctor -- " We need to determine the effects of short and long term use" .

Call me cynical but these geese on high appear to be dancing on strings.

People imagine that drug lords are low life crims with heaps of cash.

They are the mugs.

The really powerful crims have been diversifying into legitimate business for many decades.


Message 39 of 81
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Re: Time for medicinal cannabis trial in Queensland......

Medical marijuana laws unlikely to win support


A Greens push for terminally and chronically ill Canberrans to be allowed  to use marijuana as part of treatment and pain management appears unlikely to  find support in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

Read more: here

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