Tired of the double standards

if it had been the father who had murdered that poor little girl the country would be baying for his blood, there would be calls for him to be dragged through the streets naked by his testicles and while I would have no problem with that, the silence and lack of outrage for this woman's dispicable act is very telling, the only thing missing is the do Gooders sprouting on about how the poor woman must be disturbed or in a really bad place to have done it, this evil **bleep** should only ever see the light of day from behind bars or she should see her last Sunrise with a noose around her neck

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I absolutely agree with you.

How on earth a mother can kill her child is beyond comprehension for me. And then pretend that the child had been kidnapped. Despicable creature.


If you don't want to care for a child, but gave birth to it, put it up for adoption.

There is never a good enough excuse to kill a child.



Message 2 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I feel equally saddened which ever parent killes a child.  I do not recall anybody demanding physical violence when father threw the little girl from the bridge, or when the guy drove his car into the dam killing 3 boys.  But in both cases the fathers did it on their access day to punish the children's mother.  Women kill their children when they cannot cope with life and have no support.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 3 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

What got me was that she told police she was attacked by a dark-skinned man, possibly African, smelling of alcohol.


That could set off another whole set of riots.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I'm not sure what has been said in the papers, but, most of the comments I have seen of Facebook have been quite savage in their condemnation - they were hoping she would burn in hell even before she was arrested.


Like most people I thin, I had my suspicions right from the start. It sounded sadly familiar. The DIL of  someone  I know killed her baby in much the same way. She was not very bright, had big emotional problems and was simply not able to cope when the baby wouldn't settle. On a couple of occasions she held  a pillow over the his face till he turned blue then rang triple 0 to say he was having a seizure. The ambulance came, the baby spent a few days in hospital and the mum got  a little break and lots of sympathy. The paramedics may well have been suspicious, but it would have been difficult to prove anything ........... until inevitably the day came when she either held the pillow for a bit too long or rang triple 0 a bit too late  and the baby didn't recover.  She was conviceted of  manslaughter (or it might have been infanticide, I can't remember which) and spent a few years in gaol.


Message 5 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I have seen probably 8 out of 10 people baying for her blood.

Maybe it depends where you see it? most people are calling her evil and a monster, me, I am waiting for the results of the investigation.

It's not a normal thing to kill your child for no apparent reason and the father was not worried, he saw her Wednesday and said they were both happy. No excuses but there has to be a reason.

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I saw the neighbour throwing eggs at their car.  That kind of thing is silly, it's her uncles house for one, you can't attack the whole family for what the mother has done.  I also agree with icy, blaming an African person, thank god no innocent person was in the area at the same time, who knows what could have happened.  it's also quite amazing now what the CCTV's are picking up, 2 murders solved in the last week.  Big Brother is definitely watching.  Not sure I agree with the OP, I think anytime a parent commits a crime like this everyone is shocked and upset, regardless it its the mother or father.  You cannot fathom hurting your own child, there has to be a mental problem otherwise it's just plain evil.

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

@givemeaspell wrote:

 You cannot fathom hurting your own child, there has to be a mental problem otherwise it's just plain evil.

That is the thing, NOBODY is just plainly evil.  Sane people usually act in a way that is in some way beneficial to them, and sometimes that may be something pretty appalling.  But nobody does something horrible that basically ends their life, something that will turn the society and often their family against them, unless in moment of insanity. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 8 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I disagree evil is out there , I think far to many times we like to tell ourselfs that it was a moment of insanity rather than face the truth that these people are just plain evil, it allows us to sleep better at night , if we are forced to acknowledge the reality of evil then we must accept that anything is possible and anything could be considered to be within the normal capabilities of the human race.

personally I am more than willing to believe that even supposedly good people are capable of evil acts

Message 9 of 21
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Re: Tired of the double standards

I saw CCTV footage today, of her walking the stroller, with the toddler, into the park.


Then she came out with an empty stroller.


She was in no hurry and walked calmly when she left


I've searched and can't find that video now

Message 10 of 21
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