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Trump or Clinton?

My money is on Clinton  .... 

Message 1 of 248
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247 REPLIES 247

Re: Trump or Clinton?

@mloreason wrote:
Yes very good points supernova. At least Clinton had some policies. Trump seemed to be elected based on his promises to make the USA better and to build a wall.

So much for his wall.

He's now saying that only parts of it will be a wall, the rest will be a fence.

Going to have to be a mighty tough fence.

 photo GRUMPYCATSIGN_zpsa8f18bba.jpg
Message 231 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

@peteepie wrote:

HRC is now more than 1 000 000 popular votes ahead of Trump, and still more votes to count from predominantly liberal areas.  As even some republicans are worried about the outcome, who knows, it is possible that enough will endorse HRC in December.  What is going to happen then is anybody's guess. 
Say what?

I think The Don would throw a temper tantrum to end all temper tantrums and he is sure to refuse to accept the verdict as he threatened to do before the election.  It would prove what people have said all along....he is not fit to do the job.


Life would certainly be interesting.


No matter who ends up being Inaugurated in January they are a bit of a lane duck President.

Message 232 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

Community Member
Yeah grumpy I saw that backtrack. Stay tuned for the next.
Message 233 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

But the American people never did say Trump wasn't fit..the media did. The people obviously thought different. The silent majority screamed it from the rooftops, which is exactly what they did here.  

Message 234 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

@dirtdweller55 wrote:

But the American people never did say Trump wasn't fit..the media did. The people obviously thought different. The silent majority screamed it from the rooftops, which is exactly what they did here.  

Ummmm ..........not quite. The majority - silent or otherwise - voted for Clinton.

Message 235 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

It's the number of electorate wins that counts.  The 'popular vote' counts for nothing, their way of voting has been in their constituion for 200 years, I suppose one could consider it hopelessly outdated but changing the America Constitution is virtually impossible, so...both candidates played the same game, played by the same rules.  One is a winner.


The other is a loser. 


Another point I read was that In the event of a close election requiring a recount, recounts would be needed in all 50 states. This would be a nightmare and not feasible with literally millions and millions of votes to be counted.  


Personally, I'm blown away by the fact that out of a population of 350 million,  2 dysfunctionals such as Trump and Clinton ended up being their choice. The media had Trump losing...the media couldn't have been more wrong if they tried. Clinton 232 electorates...Trump 290.  

Message 236 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

It may be true that the electoral college ultimately decides the winner, but what you said was; the American people never did say Trump wasn't fit..the media did. The people obviously thought different. The silent majority screamed it from the rooftops, which is exactly what they did here.  


That is patently untrue. Disregarding  the fact that a silent majority is called that for the very reason that it doesn't scream, the majority of voters whether silent, screamimg or politely voicing their opinion did say that Trump was unfit - by voting for Clinton.


Edited for typos.

Message 237 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

@dirtdweller55 wrote:

 so...both candidates played the same game, played by the same rules.  One is a winner.


The other is a loser. 


what rules?


looked to me that one candadate was going the tried and true way.


the other lied, made unattainable promises without saying how they would be attained.


threatened various opponents of anything he said with legal action, even hinted towards murder of the main opponent. made statements to imprison his opponent if he won.


made racist remarks left right and center.


would not provide income tax documents as is the norm of candadates.


not sure what 'rules' there are in american presidential elections now.

Message 238 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

As a disgruntled American, (have you ever seen a gruntled American?) I wish that the rules could be changed to limit the amount spent like 10 million or this informational day and age, those who are in the dark about the policies of the candidates, should stay in the dark.  Once the SCOTUS determined that corporations are "people", campaign spending has gone through the roof.

Message 239 of 248
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Re: Trump or Clinton?

@***super_nova*** wrote:

@mloreason wrote:
Yes very good points supernova. At least Clinton had some policies. Trump seemed to be elected based on his promises to make the USA better and to build a wall.

HRC had policies and experience to deal with anybody on international stage.  Trump basically had one liners, just like Abbott.  The difference is that what is scary is that USA actually do have KKK and various fascist and white supremacy groups, and they are getting very "outspoken".  Have you seen the hung effigies of HRC and Obama?  And even more frightening are the people who Trump is choosing; racists, anti semites, pro life evangelical, and anti science.  They are cutting social security and spending big on "defense".  There are people who work several jobs and depend on foodstamps, and Trump and co. are planning to take the food stamps away. 

Anyway, HRC is now more than 1 000 000 popular votes ahead of Trump, and still more votes to count from predominantly liberal areas.  As even some republicans are worried about the outcome, who knows, it is possible that enough will endorse HRC in December.  What is going to happen then is anybody's guess.  And there is still the fraud & racketeering case coming up on the 28th November.

Nova I do have a little bit of sympathy for your your views. The problem with Clinton was she was viewed as part of the corrupt establishment. A career politician who was deeply embedded in a corrupt system which ensured jobs for the boys, deals for the mates and endless gravey trains while many Americans live in poverty. She was a major part of the problem, not part of the solution.


I,m not saying Trump is any better, but lets face it, can he make any worse of a mess than the establishment already have ?


If you blindly answer yes to that, its highly likely you don't live in Detroit.


Americans like the Europeans and Brexit where voting for change. The greedy establishment political system ( of which Clinton was a gold class member ) has failed worldwide, with the gap between the rich and poor growing. The number of people in developed countries who are seeing their living standards being eroded is increasing rapidly, while a chosen few gather the countries wealth for themselves.


We are seeing similar problems in Australia with the casualisation of the workforce, underemployment, silly house prices driven by wealthy investors using generous capital gains concessions etc.


The public service sector is ballooning with over regulation stifling real investment from the private sector who are the generators of wealth in the economy. This rampant public service is top heavy with too many managers on expensive salaries, going round and round chasing and developing red tape while those at the coal face who actually provide the public services are understaffed, poorly trained and managed and losing morale.


Social welfare is a mess with genuine recipients thrown in with those less genuine who have developed skills in gaming the system to a fine art. This means less money for those who really need it as there is only so much money available. Structural unemployment is another problem, increasing the numbers of genuinly unemployed.


 Drugs are another issue that is crippling the country with young people particularly vulnerable. High youth unemployment, underemployment, social dislocation and lack of hope for the future as the wealthy older generation tie up resources are playing into this problem.


Like other countries immigration and economic refugees are causing divisions in Australia with many people unwilling to admit to obvious problems caused as it is not PC. This social blindness and lack of will to honestly confront the issues and then look at constructive ways to address them compounds racism rather than helping.


Political correctness has become a huge problem in Australia. We are no longer allowed to mention obvious problems for fear of being howled down by the PC club. It is often those who have lived sheltered, priveledged, closeted lives who expouse PC views as these people have limited life experience from which to form their own opinions on things.  ( not taking a dig at you here Nova. I respect the fact that you genuinly think about things, even if I dont agree with many of your views  Smiley Happy   )


We may not have travelled as far down the path of social seperatism and poverty as America, but we are certainly following in Americas footsteps. Lets hope we dont have to vote for an Australian Trump to fix the mess.

Message 240 of 248
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