on 08-11-2016 01:01 PM
on 10-11-2016 09:27 AM
so how did trump win?
looks to me he used 2 main weapons against clinton.
fist he threw as much mud as possible at her knowing some would stick in the minds of voters.
openly calling her names, saying she was criminal with no actual evedence ect
reminded me of abbotts attack on gillard.
second he promised the voters everything they wanted to hear. he will bring back manufacturing to the usa. he will remove all the illiagle imigrants who are stealing their jobs. he will stop the boats (so to speak).
also very similar to abbott v gillard.
he will 'make america great again.
how hes going to do the things he promised he never actually said.
clintons failure was not to sink to trumps level, i'm sure another challenger might have dredged up much more dirt on trump. all we really got was a few women saying 'he touched my boob' and he didnt pay tax for a few years which wasnt against any law.
i fully expect in 4 years time america wont be 'great' agin. i just hope we arnt part of www3.
10-11-2016 09:52 AM - edited 10-11-2016 09:53 AM
He won by appealing to the rampant xenophobia in uneducated Americans.........I didn't realize there were so many racist bigots in our country, and he attracted them all. These are the folks who wrap themselves in the flag, with a gun in one hand and a bible in the other.....their "American Dream" didn't materialize, and they think Trump can provide it........a new double-wide, a 4X4 pickup, and maybe a new boat. Some of them, through no fault of their own, lost their job....and Trump's promise of bringing back jobs (by, for example, eliminating the minimum wage) looks good to them. When, as he has said, he repeals Obamacare, and the little woman turns up with breast cancer, or Bubba junior gets hit by a bus, they'll wish they still had it.
on 10-11-2016 10:28 AM
It was amusing to see the photos of the Clinton and Trump groupies. The victors and the vanquished...smiling or crying. A lot of American passion on display. The election of Trump seems to have caused a ripple of apoplexy in the commentariat which is probably engaged in pouring over the poll figures leading up to the election and trying to work out how Trump came from a 10% deficit to emerge triumphant.
on 10-11-2016 10:37 AM
@lane-ends wrote:Whether he makes a mess of it or not, the real concern is that he was voted in based on jogoism and rabble rousing.
What the hell is jogoism?
on 10-11-2016 11:04 AM
Perhaps lane meant Jingoism? .... typos can happens
on 10-11-2016 12:05 PM - last edited on 10-11-2016 11:03 PM by gewens
@icyfroth wrote:
@mloreason wrote:
"Trump's victory came from a huge turnout among non-college educated white voters" (http://www.9news.com.au/world/2016/11/08/20/33/us-presidential-election-live-updates-results-and-pol...)
Surprise surprise lolExactly!
Those whose jobs and mortgages and liveliehoods were lost to overseas manufacturing.
Not everyone can or wants to be a Teacher!
I signed in especially, just to kudos this post.
100 Kudos icy
on 10-11-2016 12:54 PM
@chameleon54 wrote:
@icyfroth wrote:
@mloreason wrote:
"Trump's victory came from a huge turnout among non-college educated white voters" (http://www.9news.com.au/world/2016/11/08/20/33/us-presidential-election-live-updates-results-and-pol...)
Surprise surprise lolExactly!
Those whose jobs and mortgages and liveliehoods were lost to overseas manufacturing.
Not everyone can or wants to be a Teacher!
I signed in especially, just to kudos this post. Its condascending comments like those from mloreason above that drive people to vote for the likes of Trump.
100 Kudos icy
Most of the brilliant political minds across the globe are trying to work out what happened, but you nailed it in one. The American people voted for Trump because of condescending comments! Don't you think you should give them a little more credit than that? After all, they backed a winner.
on 10-11-2016 01:02 PM
on 10-11-2016 06:08 PM
Its funny hearing how some go on when the majority don't agree with them, lol
Trump was voted in by a large majority who saw him as a better person than the options and going by the protects in the US its clear to see who the uneducated rabble supports.
Its about time the silent majority got a voice and the losers need to accept the outcome and change is coming.
on 10-11-2016 06:30 PM
@the_hawk* wrote:Its funny hearing how some go on when the majority don't agree with them, lol
Trump was voted in by a large majority who saw him as a better person than the options and going by the protects in the US its clear to see who the uneducated rabble supports.
As 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there are 242,470,820 adults living in the United States. The total population was estimated at 316,128,839 people, with 76.7 percent of those people being over 18.
Trump was voted in by 59,698,506 people - hardly a large majority