Victory Day 2015

Victory Day Parade in Red Square Moscow ti commemorate the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazism.


The Patriotic War claimed 27 million Russian lives and the outcome of World War II would have been vastly different had in not been for the effort of Russia.


Victory Day 2015.jpg



I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 1 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

I remember VE Day. I was three and a half. My mum allowed two older girls to take me and my twin sister to the street party and there were lots of cakes and a a Punch And Judy show. But in all the excitement I tripped over, cut my forehead and had to be taken home to have the 1940s equivalent of a bandaid put on it. By the time I got back I'd missed seeing Punch throw the baby out of the window; and, boy was I was p***ed off.Smiley LOL

Message 2 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

Aunty Beeb is making a big thing out of it. Although not this afternoon. Saturday afternoons are given over in their entirity to Sport - with the emphasis on football.  photo wail_zps70b0748c.gif

Message 3 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

Wreath Laying Ceremony at the memorial of the Unknown Soldier, Moscow


Wreath Laying.jpg

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 4 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

The Immortal Regiment

A reoccurring scene in Russian cities, across Russia millions of descendants of lost soldiers in the Patriotic War pay homage to their lost by a parade through the cities across Russia holding a portrait of their loved ones lost in that conflict.


Give them a thought next time you are discussing WW II and thank them for your freedom


Imortal Reriment Parade 2015 3.jpgImortal Reriment Parade 2015.jpg

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 5 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

Just about time the world acknowledged that Soviet Union had a big part to play in defeat of Germany.  Pity that western leaders chose not to attend the celebrations in Moscow.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 6 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

Community Member

70 World leaders were invited, 20 turned up. They did not want to be inveigled into any type of tacit agreement or support of the annexation of Crimea and the bald faced invasion of Ukraine and the shooting down of a civilian aircraft resulting in the deaths of innocents.


Putin is tricky and a megalomaniac drunk with power, cares nothing for humanity, but let him have his day but it spoils the sacrifice of the soldiers and I applaud the leaders who snubbed him.


We must never forget that Stalin murdered 60 million of his own people so Putin is a man in the same vein as Stalin, a hard man, a man who cares nothing for sacrifice and honour, he sullies the sacrifice of the fallen.




Message 7 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

In fact those 'Leaders" were snubbing the memories of the fallen. 

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 8 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

@poddster wrote:

In fact those 'Leaders" were snubbing the memories of the fallen. 

no, I'm sorry to disagree with you but my previous post set out the full reasons why Putin was snubbed, emphasis on (Putin snubbed) As for the fallen, we all respect them and I'm sure the world leaders who snubbed Putin were doing just that, not snubbing the fallen.


There are many ways to show respect. 

Message 9 of 78
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Re: Victory Day 2015

Snubbing does not do anything for diplomacy, there are also 144 million other people in Russia who were snubbed as well, do you think that they didn't notice?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 10 of 78
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