on โ12-06-2013 05:52 PM
EcommerceBytes Blog - Ina Steiner
"eBay is revamping its community area including the discussion boards. The change comes as eBay transitions away from using LiveWorld to moderate its boards. As we report in Monday's news story, eBay was not ready to provide more details when we broke the story last month. Who will moderate the boards - will it be brought in-house, or will eBay outsource it to another company? We'll have to wait to find out.
But we do know eBay is revamping the boards. Certain features will remain the same, but the design will change."
One change that is puzzling is how eBay will designate an employee's post. In the past, moderators' posts were always shown with a pink box - with the new design, posts from eBay employees will be identified by a blue box surrounding the post. Users had always referred to eBay forum moderators as "pinks" - so changing the color seems an odd decision.
Users have already expressed concern over what the change in moderation will mean for the user experience, so hearing that eBay will revamp the community area will likely cause more concern. On a positive note, eBay will move all previous posts to the updated forums.
What do you think of these changes, described here:
and what would you change on the eBay discussion boards if you could, and why?
(Warning comment at your own risk, they who must be obeyed or else, are still watching but not for long hopefully)
on โ19-06-2013 03:05 PM
on โ19-06-2013 03:06 PM
sorry am 3 you weren't here so I did the snipe for the 600, now I really really promise to let you snipe the 700th :^O
on โ19-06-2013 03:08 PM
see I made a start 602
on โ19-06-2013 03:13 PM
could have been a fan of Hannibal...it's getting put on at a later and later time slot......wonder if that's ratings? or our whitewashed pc generation whinging about it?....who knows these days.
on โ19-06-2013 03:14 PM
#$@!@%....you got it again, you sneaky blighter...
on โ19-06-2013 03:18 PM
hahahaha cue, really you know I thought for sure you would have sniped it. or am 3. oh well you guys just have to push this thread to 700 now. :-p:^O
on โ19-06-2013 03:19 PM
hmmmm Hannibal maybe we saw the same one LOL
on โ19-06-2013 03:40 PM
lol...well as predicted, I just proved once again, that replying to any of the political spammers (different thread)... will earn moderator enabled retaliation....so Liveworld must still be in place dishing up the virtual assault to consumers.
...so my advice (with all the threads bemoaning being ignored)..... is to follow your instincts and continue to ignore the belligerent ones because if you don't, you'll be disappeared (even now)...= gutless? definitely.
on โ19-06-2013 03:50 PM
on โ19-06-2013 04:02 PM
& with that said...let's rock.....this one's for you joz.....