What no one has congratulated Senator H

What no one has congratulated Senator Pauline Hanson yet.

Seems Turncoat underestimated the mood of the people and that they have had enough of his dictatorship

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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H


It is interesting Super Nova, that most of the backlash from One Nation/Hanson supporters relates to her being attacked for being xenophobic/racist.  My main concern after reading Myoclan's post was the climate change denial.  Your link includes a comment citing the "Dunning-Kruger effect".  The commenter paraphrases, "which says, in sum, that the dumber you are, the more confident you are that you are not actually dumb.  And when you get invested in being aggressively dumb...well the last thing you want to encounter are experts who disagree with you, and so you dismiss them in order to maintain your unreasonably high opinion of yourself."  Unfortunately, I think, the vested interests that created and continue to feed climate change denial have found fertile ground at the dumb end of town, where opinion counts more than fact, and the struggle to unearth or understand the facts is anathema.  (I make this comment in relation to climate change denial in general, not specifically One Nation/Hanson supporters)


I'm reluctant to compare anybody with Hitler, but note the sad passing of Elie Wiesel less than a week ago.  Perhaps some of the more educated Hanson supporters should read his book, "Night", to see where her brand of politics can lead.

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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H


Message 62 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H

When somebody employs the same tactics as Hitler, spouts the same rhetoric, appeals to the same sort of people in society, then it is only fair to point out the possible consequences.  Hitler did not come to power by promising to establish death camps, invade rest of Europe, Soviet Union and some other parts of the world, and in process destroy Germany and kill close to 6 million of German citizens.  He promised and delivered prosperous country where all workers have good jobs, paid annual holidays, eduction, health, VW for every family, and for time he was delivering, while blaming any failings on Jews.  

What is so different to some present time politicians who claim that their country would be great again if only we get rid off some minorities?  Nearly half of Australians alive today were either born overseas or have at least one parent who was, according to the last Census in 2011. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 63 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I suspect one of Hinch's main reasons for standing was that if he gets into the Senate he will be able to use parliamentary privilege to name and shame anyone he likes - even those he only thinks might be  sex offenders.

Very frightening.  There is a very good reason why justice should be left to the courts, who have all the facts, and not left up to lynching mobs lead by self interested journos.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 64 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H


Nice one Stawka, hadn't heard of Godwin's Law.  Looked it up on wikipaedia and Godwin himself said last December (tongue in cheek?)  "If you're thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump.  Or any other politician."


He had a nice simple law before he said that...typical lawyer.

Message 65 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H

It is quite possible that some of the people voting for Hanson or for Brexit are not particularly xenophobic, but the result is that it legitimising actions like these:






from the average 63 incidents reported each week.     Cat Frustrated

Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 67 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H

Best thing we all can do is embrace Hansons supporters, not ostracise them

Message 68 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H

Wow, what is it with certain people that every time a politician says something they dont agree with they compare the politician to Hitler.  It's actually laughable. I dont think I've ever heard PH mention the Jewish power in the West...  But there are many many powerful jewish people in the media, in banking and finance, politics, medicine,education etc etc. Aipac is the most powerful lobby group in America. I never hear any politicians mention this because they all know it is career suicide to mention such things, even though jewish publications talk of it all the time, with pride.  


And of course there are also alot of white Europeans in positions of power in the west which is what you would expect in  predominant white nations.  Or aren't whites allowed to have their own nations anymore? African people have Africa, japanese people have Japan, Jewish people have Isreal, why cant Australians have Australia? I include the indigenous peoples when I say Australians.  It's probably worse for the aboriginals if we have mass  immigration from the middle east.  The aboriginals are slowly losing their pure bloodlines, and if we keep up with mass immigration they will likely be bred out of existence....









Message 69 of 73
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Re: What no one has congratulated Senator H

@3ksandpj wrote:

Or aren't whites allowed to have their own nations anymore? African people have Africa, japanese people have Japan, Jewish people have Isreal, why cant Australians have Australia? I include the indigenous peoples when I say Australians. 





You must have not paid much attention in history classes about European colonial past.  Australia is not in Europe, so by your logic maybe we all should go back to where we came from and leave Australia to the indigenous people?  I find it really interesting that some people think that Australia should be only  for people of European origin  (and the indigenous people),  it is in ASIA!!!!!  You or your ancestors came here from elsewhere.  What makes you better than people ffrom Asia, Africa or Middle East?



Why do you think that it is of any benefit to keep the so called "races" pure?  You need to learn bit about biology and genetics.  Racism and white supremacy movements are created on basis of believe that some human "races" are more intelligent than others.  In fact we are all the same race, the human race, and skin colour does not make you  better.   




Personally I rather if the people next door were migrants from Africa or middle east than xenophobic one nation supporters full of hate.  




Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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