What's on top of your Fridge?

I was looking through a real estate site and in one house the fridge was chock a block with "stuff" covering the whole top.


It made me look at mine hahaa......I've got an old style phone for when we get a power failure and can't use the new type, a small basket with electrical tape, toothpicks, one of those "magical" dusters that supposedly attract dust from the keyboard, some curtain hooks and a ball of string.


Why ?  I have no idea and I'm sure I'd never look there if I needed most of that "stuff".


So what's on yours?

Message 1 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

Nothing but a Fire Blanket.


Message 51 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

A roll of plastic rubbish bags, roll of glad wrap, roll of greaseproof paper, roll of alfoil, and other miscellaneous junk.


I keep the fire blanket somewhere else, but somewhere handy where I can throw it over the top of the fridge, just in case ๐Ÿ˜‰



Message 52 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

A couple of glass bowls..

Message 53 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

Nothing now that you have all guilted me into cleaning it off


Smiley you fool 038.gif


Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
Message 54 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

Not applicable

there is nothing on the top of my fridge besides a leadlight lamp.

Message 55 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

@doll*obsession wrote:

He is great Freddie!  It's over a year now since he got the all clear, follow ups have just been extended to 12 weekly Woman Very Happy His over all health isn't as good as it was pre chemo, but he is alive and reasonably well ๐Ÿ™‚

Great news Dolly, cancer treatment knocks the wind out of your sails, that's for sure. But, the alternative isn't a place we would chose to go. โ™ฅ I've just been back to Sydney for my 9 month check up, all's good.

Message 56 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

Luv your answer purps.....a classic!


lis, I'd be wrapping the looong held confiscated toys and putting them under the xmas tree lol  The kids would be like...didn't I use to have one of these?....but I'm a meanie haha


woo hoo dsk.....hope you gave yourself a treat with the surprise find.




Message 57 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

great to hear all is well for your hubby dolly and that things are all good for you too freddie.

Message 58 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

I'd be wrapping the looong held confiscated toys and putting them under the xmas tree lol

I love it!! Thanks Soul.

Message 59 of 63
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Re: What's on top of your Fridge?

I'm having a real chuckle imagining their faces hahaa!

Message 60 of 63
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