Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

I am so over all the cats roaming through our backyard.


Not only does it mean our pet rabbit can't be outside in his own backyard or that I have to watch out where I put my hands when I am gardening because there is cat c*ap every where or that we get woken up at night because of cat fights.


But today I have spent the afternoon washing down with bleach all the entrances to my house, the perimetre walls and garden pots because the stench of their spraying is unbearable. They are even spraying the cars in the driveway.


And whilst I know that every cat owner on here will say they are responsible cat owners or that their cat is always inside or that they have cat runs so their cats never leave their property, I have yet to meet a cat owner in Sydney that has any of the above.


If you can't keep a cat on YOUR property then you have no business owning a cat in the first place.



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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

you realise that every animal on the planet has a place it lives in originally.


in europe and russia there are wild wood cats, also in america i think.


in these countries wildlife is used to cats, over there doves don't just sit on the ground like here enjoying the sun.


it would be suicide over there. i have lived in europe for 27 years.


birds there do NOT sit on the ground sleeping like here. they do not carelessly rummage around like galas do here.


they are alert and aware, being the survivors of cat attacks for the last 100 000 years or so.

Message 41 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

I'm not being funny, merely curious about 100% indoors cats.

Is it a new thing or were cats kept totally indoors say 30 years ago?

Message 42 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

@la_au71 wrote:

you realise that every animal on the planet has a place it lives in originally.


in europe and russia there are wild wood cats, also in america i think.


in these countries wildlife is used to cats, over there doves don't just sit on the ground like here enjoying the sun.


it would be suicide over there. i have lived in europe for 27 years.


birds there do NOT sit on the ground sleeping like here. they do not carelessly rummage around like galas do here.


they are alert and aware, being the survivors of cat attacks for the last 100 000 years or so.

but....... we are talking about domestic cats, not wild cats.

We have a native cat here, called Quolls but we can't make pets of them.

Message 43 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

i am curious too.


are they really that cruel to their beloved cats, being ignorant of their suffering...





are they just lying about their cats not roaming/cat enclosure to please the upset public?

Message 44 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

alright then.


what is the difference of a wild cat and a pet cat?


none, except the wild cat won't let you stroke it.


they hunt, they kill, it makes them happy.


if you have a domestic cat in a country where there are wild cats around (and also domesticated cats have been around for the last 2000 odd years or so) so the wildlife didn't just evolve with wild cats, it also had the last 2000 or so years to adapt  to domestic cats. (talking about europe).


now, letting cats roam free in a country where there is no predator like it is mildly put "irresponsible".


i am not sure if you have ever been to europe or spend enough time there there to observe the wildlife but i have.


the difference is that in europe:


small animals KNOW that there are ctas and behave (hide) accordingly.


in Australia: doves sit on the ground sleeping, animals are just not up to the task of hiding/running from a cat.


..and they are good hunters. i trained ours myself. she always comes home with mice.

Message 45 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

@azureline** wrote:

@la_au71 wrote:

you realise that every animal on the planet has a place it lives in originally.


in europe and russia there are wild wood cats, also in america i think.


in these countries wildlife is used to cats, over there doves don't just sit on the ground like here enjoying the sun.


it would be suicide over there. i have lived in europe for 27 years.


birds there do NOT sit on the ground sleeping like here. they do not carelessly rummage around like galas do here.


they are alert and aware, being the survivors of cat attacks for the last 100 000 years or so.

but....... we are talking about domestic cats, not wild cats.

We have a native cat here, called Quolls but we can't make pets of them.

uuhhhm  yeah.


do you think a bird is concerned if it got killed by a wild cat or a domestic one?


i am a bit confused about your ideas. could you please explain?

Message 46 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

My cats are happy to be inside the house..They occasionally walk out to the back garden & have a stroll but in a few  short moments they are more than ready to return inside ( Thier own free will)..Usually if we leave the door open they dont even bother to look..They are happy enough following us around inside ( very people oreintated) ..Playing on numerous tall scartch posts ..curling up on the sofa..bed  & in front of the fire..They are very relaxed & greet friends easily that come over ( dont hide away)..The are not stressed at all by being inside most of the time..I know they are safe & happy & not being a nucience to any one outside my home & struggle to understand how people can think this is cruel....It is my opinion and i understand not every one will agree

Message 47 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

Totally agree about the bleach thing. They will spray over the bleach to gain territory.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 48 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

@channys_mum wrote:

Totally agree about the bleach thing. They will spray over the bleach to gain territory.

Well it worked last year.


I will let you know what happens this time around.

Message 49 of 136
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Re: Why can't cat owners keep their cat INSIDE?

they sell that anti- cat plant in bunnings.


did you try to plant that?

Message 50 of 136
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