Why do people get personal?

When discussing topics that they have an opposing view to.

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Why do people get personal?

Nice one, Stawka. I include myself in that little observation. Shame it hasn't worked, hey? LOL
Message 21 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

@imastawka wrote:


@sprinklespowerpuff wrote:

If you are referring to the coloured, intrusive font etc - no, only a few IDs posted/post in that manner that I've seen anyway. Must frighten off new, inexperienced posters but then again that's probably the gameplan.

How new do you have to be?

Stop it...........I find your font colour choice confrontational and distressing,......lol.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 22 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

  hahaha           slap amiley.gif   

Message 23 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

Ahhhh......... PayPal and the Round Table I remember them well


It just goes to show that a few community minded posters were able to stop the spread of the monopoly and constraint to the freedom of choice on a global scale.


I am proud to have been a part of those few, even though the ramification still echo and ripple down the corridors of time.


I guess the upholding of justice comes at a cost but that cost I and others of that era are prepared and happy to pay 🙂


Opponents of those few have never forgotten and still hold a grudge ...............sad huh ?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 24 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

Poddy some people forget that Ebay wanted Paypal to be the ONLY form of payment, that failed when people stood up for their rights 🙂

Now we have a choice.

Message 25 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

Rosie , if only people could band together to combat other unjust issues in the same manner the world would be a better place.



I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 26 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

I agree 🙂

Message 27 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

Well we did RTers did band together during the PayPal wars. We were sick of hundreds of threads of PayPal hysteria swamping the round table,...it went on for months! Hundreds of threads full of misinformation and info specifically designed to frighten people. They were even collecting donations for some imagined legal battle lol! (Nobody knows where that money went btw).

So the moderators did the right thing and threw the hysterical rabble onto their own board and banned them from ranting on the round table. Peace at last!

So there they were, all these frantic frightened people who believed PayPal was going to chomp on their toes while they slept,.... And while they were mid rant, eBay deleted the forum ROFLMAO!! So funny!

And just to add to the fun, they created a whole lot of new rules...ie no lying about eBay. Cos, in fact, that's what most of it was.

Donna, there were a lot of personal comments back then.
Message 28 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

I'm pretty sure that the ACCC are glad it's all behind us too LOLOL

Message 29 of 119
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Why do people get personal?

I bet they shredded most of it, after reading the first hundred. Actually I did keep a copy of the letters they published
Message 30 of 119
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