28-11-2020 08:36 AM - edited 28-11-2020 08:38 AM
28-11-2020 09:05 AM - edited 28-11-2020 09:07 AM
I suspect it has to do with power.
Women traditionally in the past looked to men a bit for security when settling down, having a family etc
Sometimes a slightly older man could offer that.
And often an older man may have been successful in business. You'd expect such a man to have some charm, some address. I am guessing that is why some much younger women have married older men, because they have been flattered and sometimes it is a short cut to social position, wealth & security.
What does the older man get out of it? A younger (usually attractive) woman and the visible proof he still has what it takes, he is a going concern, still powerful, still in his prime. that's the signal he is sending out.
I don't think too many people take any notice of a small age discrepancy either way but when there is a big age gap, I think people do have a bit of a laugh about the older men, behind their backs. It isn't necessarily taken as 'acceptable' even for men. Depends on circumstances though. For instance, does any one really think Hugh Hefner was such a virile hunk he could have attracted all those young women without his money? I don't think he had much respect from the general public, he was a bit of a joke.
With it in reverse, I think it is often felt as not quite acceptable as the man is seen as living off the woman as traditionally, that hasn't been the normal gender role. Part of it could also be that much older women couldn't give a young man any children, whereas the reverse isn't necessarily true.
28-11-2020 09:33 AM - edited 28-11-2020 09:34 AM
on 28-11-2020 10:04 AM
Perhaps it is some mens Massive ego's that they need to have a a young women on their arm, "Look I still got it LOL"
I few of my friends have younger husbands and it seems to be working out
on 28-11-2020 10:25 AM
Some men , regardless of age, retain a boyish quality that is very attractive to a woman.
Not so obvious in woman, women mature differently.
Especially in today's modern society , older men also retain the ideal that woman should be treated with respect . Opening car doors, shielding a woman with their arm , many things that have been lost to younger generations with the dawning of equality.
Another reason a woman may turn to an older man is for security . so many dysfunctional families now, with absentee fathers , an older man with long term employment, his own home , no drugs or alcohol as a factor , is a very good indication that this man will be a good provider for her and any children that may come. Something more like the good father that she may have imagined .
And of course there is love, which has no boundaries.
on 28-11-2020 10:29 AM
you could easily ask 'why do so many women date men old enough to be their fathers'
on 28-11-2020 10:49 AM
Acceptable to whom? Gone are the days when they worried about what the neighbours thought. Anyone who worries about "acceptance" and will only do what others may accept has an inferiority complex. I believe in being an individual and not falling into a set mold that others have created. Date who you want, dress how you want and do what you want (within the law) There are too many sheep who follow the herd just to "fit in"
on 28-11-2020 11:41 AM
Is it? I'm not sure that's the case these days. What about the Cougars, whose numbers are growing. Each to their own I say, and to h*ll with what people think.
on 28-11-2020 11:52 AM
What is unacceptable with either. ??
on 28-11-2020 02:39 PM
@davidc4430 wrote:you could easily ask 'why do so many women date men old enough to be their fathers'
And why do so many men date women young enough( or younger than) to be their daughters? I'm not being snarky, my point is that I don't understand it from either side. I don't understand it from the other side either, I wouldn't be interested in a man young enough to be my son, and it would make me uncomfortable if a man that age expessed a serious interest in me. I'm just not wired for that age gap thing, I guess. It creeps me out, as my granddaughter says.