on 27-06-2013 11:55 AM
Will her soxuality be questioned in front of her husband ?
Will she be subjected to taunts about her profession ?
Will she be given disrespectful "cutesy" monikers like "Timmy" ?
Will her dress-sense and general behaviour be subject to endless scrutiny ?
and ... (while I am on a roll here)
Will Kevin Rudd's child-producing status be questioned ?
Will Kevin Rudd's physical appearance be made to appear relevant ?
Will his dress sense be questioned ?
Will Kevin Rudd continue to be given disrespectful monikers like "KRudd", K-Dudd", "Kevvie" ?
My guesses are No/No/No/No, No/No/No/Yes.
As far as Julia Gillard and Tim Mathieson are concerned, the answers were Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes, Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes.
on 27-06-2013 01:11 PM
I thought we were talking about Rein.
I thought her name was Therese?