The Antwerp man, known only as Jan, said he felt like his world had been violated after he discovered the truth about 'Monica'.
on 19-01-2021 11:28 PM
on 20-01-2021 05:23 PM
@joz*garage wrote:
@not_for_sale2025 wrote:Personally, I prefer things in their original package. But I don't mind the occasion surprise, as long as the original bits and pieces are still there.
Are you saying transgenders aren't original and weren't born with an identity issue?
on 20-01-2021 06:28 PM
@davidc4430 wrote:date? do we still call it dating? did we ever call it dating in australia?
but anyhow
no i wouldnt date a transgender woman, not because i have a problem with any of the gay comunity but because i'm just a very straight person
i wouldnt date a gay man either
or a lesbian ect ect ect
these days id take convincing to date a woman
im absolutly happy living with myself a cat and a dog, doing as i please
I'm confused what "a very straight person" is as opposed to a straight person?
Are you saying if you met a nice gorgeous girl who over time you get to know and bond very well with and then develop romantic feelings for. You suddenly find out she was born with male parts but had transition with surgery and hormones to become a female who she identifies with. You would just dump her?
Can you not live with a cat and a dog and do as you please even with a partner whom you adore and loves you back?
on 20-01-2021 06:41 PM
Just how dishonest are you BOB.
Having met anyone - over time - I think honesty would have prevailed - or at least gathered.
Seems - there have been very few relationships - rather than 'stands '.
on 20-01-2021 07:00 PM
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@davidc4430 wrote:date? do we still call it dating? did we ever call it dating in australia?
but anyhow
no i wouldnt date a transgender woman, not because i have a problem with any of the gay comunity but because i'm just a very straight person
i wouldnt date a gay man either
or a lesbian ect ect ect
these days id take convincing to date a woman
im absolutly happy living with myself a cat and a dog, doing as i please
I'm confused what "a very straight person" is as opposed to a straight person?
Are you saying if you met a nice gorgeous girl who over time you get to know and bond very well with and then develop romantic feelings for. You suddenly find out she was born with male parts but had transition with surgery and hormones to become a female who she identifies with. You would just dump her?
Can you not live with a cat and a dog and do as you please even with a partner whom you adore and loves you back?
I'm confused that you don't know the difference.
Given the 'questions' you ask in response to your inane 'questions', I can only assume that you are single, have no social skills, no empathy. A sociopath, by definition
on 20-01-2021 08:38 PM
QUOTE: Can you not live with a cat and a dog and do as you please even with a partner whom you adore and loves you back?
Personally, in my experience if you have a partner (human and of any gender) you can NEVER do as you please without compromises, negotiation, disagreements or even outright war. The trouble with having a partner (at least for some and often early in the relationship) is the expectation you are a couple in all things....practically joined at the hip. If you want to do something by yourself....God forbid. In the end I just dug my hells in and went. Surprisingly for my partner, the world didn't end after all.
In my opinion THAT'S why it is easier to just have pets....and especially cats because they are definitely not demanding (except at meal times of course).
on 20-01-2021 10:20 PM
@davewil1964 wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@davidc4430 wrote:date? do we still call it dating? did we ever call it dating in australia?
but anyhow
no i wouldnt date a transgender woman, not because i have a problem with any of the gay comunity but because i'm just a very straight person
i wouldnt date a gay man either
or a lesbian ect ect ect
these days id take convincing to date a woman
im absolutly happy living with myself a cat and a dog, doing as i please
I'm confused what "a very straight person" is as opposed to a straight person?
Are you saying if you met a nice gorgeous girl who over time you get to know and bond very well with and then develop romantic feelings for. You suddenly find out she was born with male parts but had transition with surgery and hormones to become a female who she identifies with. You would just dump her?
Can you not live with a cat and a dog and do as you please even with a partner whom you adore and loves you back?
I'm confused that you don't know the difference.
Given the 'questions' you ask in response to your inane 'questions', I can only assume that you are single, have no social skills, no empathy. A sociopath, by definition
We can all see you're projecting.
on 31-01-2021 09:37 PM
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
All else being equal.
Wound ya?
This poor guy diid and found out in a horrific way!
Belgian man discovers wife of 19 years was born a man
A BELGIAN man has been left devastated after discovering his wife of 19 years was born a man.
News Corp Australia NetworkNovember 27, 2012
4 19pm
A BELGIAN man has been left devastated after discovering his wife of 19 years was born a man.
The Antwerp man, known only as Jan, said he felt like his world had been violated after he discovered the truth about 'Monica'.
on 31-01-2021 10:06 PM
@the_bob_delusion wrote:All else being equal.
Wound ya?
No...........Not my thing.
If others want to and they are mature, consenting adults, knock yourselves out. Its not affecting me.
on 31-01-2021 10:22 PM
@chameleon54 wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:All else being equal.
Wound ya?
No...........Not my thing.
If others want to and they are mature, consenting adults, knock yourselves out. Its not affecting me.
If you didn't know and fell in love and found out afterwards. What now? break up?
31-01-2021 10:35 PM - edited 31-01-2021 10:38 PM
I think I would know, either because it was blindingly obvious or instinctively. Despite what the PC crowd would like us to believe, men and woman think and act differently to each other. Genuine Trans ( as opposed to those who choose the trans lifestyle for social reasons ) and I assume intersex ( I know a few Trans, but no-one that I know of was born biologically intersex ) also usually have differences which most people are subconsciously aware of.