Would you date a Transgender person?

All else being equal.


Wound ya?

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Would you date a Transgender person?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

If you didn't know and fell in love and found out afterwards. What now? break up?

Talk to your psychiatrist, sex therapist and Mum.

Message 21 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

I suspect at times there may be a thin line between genuine trans and intersex people. Biologically intersex people have chromosomes which do not match their physical sexual features or have undefined physical features.


While the action groups claim the percentage of the population with this condition is over 1.5%, this has been discredited by scientific studies which show the real figure is 0.018 %. This figure tallies neatly with my animal husbandry experience where we see around 1 in 2000 lambs with hermaphrodite characteristics.


I suspect many people who are genuinely transgender may have imbalances in their hormones. Females who have deeper voices and more muscle strength than other woman and males who are slimmer, show less muscle tone and have effeminate voices. We all know people like this and in the past most people just accepted them for who they where. Unfortunately there is a few who will discriminate and this undoubtedly could be very hurtful. Particularly for kids at school who faced bullying etc. 


Social acceptance of these people without discrimination is one of the good things to come out of social change and activism. Unfortunately there will always be the " look at me " attention seekers who jump on the band wagon. ( Watched a Comedy festival on the ABC lately ? ) for purely social reasons. They are doing more harm than good for the cause.


In answer to the OP. I,m not attracted to woman with deep voices and adams apples who can out wrestle me.

Message 22 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

You seem to be the most curious about this subject, chameleon.


I'm currently reading Honeybee by Craig Silvey.  It might open your eyes up.

Message 23 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@davewil1964 wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

date? do we still call it dating? did we ever call it dating in australia?


but anyhow


no i wouldnt date a transgender woman, not because i have a problem with any of the gay comunity but because i'm just a very straight person


i wouldnt date a gay man either

or a lesbian ect ect ect


these days id take convincing to date a woman


im absolutly happy living with myself a cat and a dog, doing as i please 

I'm confused what "a very straight person" is as opposed to a straight person?


Are you saying if you met a nice gorgeous girl who over time you get to know and bond very well with and then develop romantic feelings for. You suddenly find out she was born with male parts but had transition with surgery and hormones to become a female who she identifies with. You would just dump her?


Can you not live with a cat and a dog and do as you please even with a partner whom you adore and loves you back?

I'm confused that you don't know the difference.


Given the 'questions' you ask in response to your inane 'questions', I can only assume that you are single, have no social skills, no empathy. A sociopath, by definition

We can all see you're projecting. 

I can't.

Message 24 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

@hannahmallory wrote:

You seem to be the most curious about this subject, chameleon.


I'm currently reading Honeybee by Craig Silvey.  It might open your eyes up.

No more curious than about anything else Hannah. I,m just a naturally curious person who tries to understand why things are the way they are. While I haven't got time for PCBS I do think there is a lot of discrimination in society which I'm not keen on. 


I also live in an area that is known for having a high percentage of LGBQ etc. people. ( they tend to live in certain suburbs ) so interact with them everyday.  We also have quite close friends who just happen to be gay, so regularly attend BBQ's etc where the majority of people are gay.


We have raised our kids to be accepting of people based on who they are, not how they look or the life choices they make. They are both a bit " arty and creative " and have close friends who are gay and one who is trans.


So all up, my eyes are probably a lot more " open " than most people thanks and its come from life experience rather than reading books.

Message 25 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

Try living in the Eastern Suburbs - Sydney - a constant vacuuming of sequins - post party. Robot wink

Message 26 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

The area I live in has a high percentage of alternate lifestyle people, but I suspect there is probably one huge difference with Eastern Sydney. I suspect Eastern Sydney would attract the more outrageous, in your face, activist type of person, ( sequins after party night ) where as the area I live in they are just perfectly normal people who just happen to be gay or trans.


They don't feel the need to push their views onto everyone else or make a big scene about it. They are just perfectly normal people and  probably gain a lot more respect and acceptance this way than through all of hyper glam and in your face activism that some others seem to feel the need to project.


I suspect that many of those who feel discriminated against are discriminated because they act like complete idiots, rather than because of their sexual preferences.

Message 27 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

I'm speaking of perfectly normal people - what ?? - never been to a ' Theme Party '.

Message 28 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

Each to their own. I,m more of a few quiet drinks around the BBQ type of guy these days.

Message 29 of 45
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Would you date a Transgender person?

@lalbo-81 wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@davewil1964 wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

date? do we still call it dating? did we ever call it dating in australia?


but anyhow


no i wouldnt date a transgender woman, not because i have a problem with any of the gay comunity but because i'm just a very straight person


i wouldnt date a gay man either

or a lesbian ect ect ect


these days id take convincing to date a woman


im absolutly happy living with myself a cat and a dog, doing as i please 

I'm confused what "a very straight person" is as opposed to a straight person?


Are you saying if you met a nice gorgeous girl who over time you get to know and bond very well with and then develop romantic feelings for. You suddenly find out she was born with male parts but had transition with surgery and hormones to become a female who she identifies with. You would just dump her?


Can you not live with a cat and a dog and do as you please even with a partner whom you adore and loves you back?

I'm confused that you don't know the difference.


Given the 'questions' you ask in response to your inane 'questions', I can only assume that you are single, have no social skills, no empathy. A sociopath, by definition

We can all see you're projecting. 

I can't.

I'm not surprised.

Message 30 of 45
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