on โ04-03-2013 08:41 AM
the control freaks drove away any poster with a hint of independent thinking isn't it?
I came back to see if he who shall not be named had returned with any info on the weather.
Good grief.
Enjoy the peace & quiet!
on โ04-03-2013 11:54 AM
are they, i'll take a look around.
on โ04-03-2013 12:01 PM
some excellent russian driving http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=E-l4w-DIiXk
on โ04-03-2013 12:17 PM
on โ04-03-2013 12:20 PM
I don't understand why y'all keep picking on evu ๐
Things might liven up around here if you'd all quit buttonpushing the hell out everyone. In my mind there were only two posters who were vile and nasty enough to be eradicated, the rest just had an opinion......
On a brighter note, I just won one million pounds!!!!!! I just have to email someoen back to claim it WOOHOO :^O
lucky you! I haven't received my winnings yet, despite the promises.
on โ04-03-2013 12:21 PM
Unfortunately we failed, and just look at it now. I think the 'community' this place once had, was beaten down so thoroughly, there was no use trying anymore.
I've been part of this Community for around 2.5yrs .Whatever it was before (and whatever went on in the past) seems to have too much influence on how and what it is now imo. It was almost like walking into an area with gang warfare .It can get a bit much on a regular basis .
on โ04-03-2013 12:28 PM
My opinion is.....stop talking about it and just get on with it.
and....when you sign in make sure you've got your sense of humour with you.
on โ04-03-2013 12:28 PM
Cue, one of my first welcomes was something like
"oh there you are ...right on Cue ...or are you a Rebel ?" .
on โ04-03-2013 12:29 PM
I agree Soul
on โ04-03-2013 12:29 PM
I have been an ebay member for 12 yrs, I lurked for years before I came on the forums, and the place was alot better in the past to what it is now.
I am like Margo.......can go weeks and not come in here.
on โ04-03-2013 12:30 PM
and....when you sign in make sure you've got your sense of humour with you.
a healthy SOH I take it you mean ?