*bing-bong*...Richo to reception please.

I can't remember what happened on the Australian boards at that particular time, but many years ago - maybe five or six - some of the Ozzie contingent upped sticks from here, and decamped on the UK Round Table. Can't even remember the thread title they used, or in fact any of the IDs. Were any of the present members amongst them ? I know they were very funny, and certainly livened the place up.


Dunno if I'm having a 'nostalia trip', but that episode just sprang to mind, and would be interested to know if you (or anyone else) remembers it.



Message 1 of 22
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Re: *bing-bong*...Richo to reception please.

As Karen always said, it was so funny when they made all the 'call the ACCCers' post their whinges only on their own paypal board and then *poooof!*, they disappeared it.  LOLOL

Message 21 of 22
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Re: *bing-bong*...Richo to reception please.

Sorry joono cant understand what you are saying.

SHHHH dont talk about banned members.

Message 22 of 22
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