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death at sea

The live export industry is in crisis amid revelations thousands of sheep from farms in WA and the eastern States died in extreme heat during a horror voyage to the Middle East on a ship which was back in Fremantle loading animals in 40C conditions last weekend.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 1 of 69
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Re: death at sea

Punch I think the live export trade has pushed up the prices for us the Australian consumers, we seem to come last on the list

Message 41 of 69
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Re: death at sea

@debra9275 wrote:

from what I remember lamb was relatively inexpensive here prior to the live export trade being established

sale price for a Kilcoy side of lamb was $1.29 per kilo in 1983, what is it now?


a side of lamb is about 8 kg from memory - we can buy a NZ one here at the moment for $45 - I think an Aussie one is $60

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 42 of 69
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Re: death at sea

I wonder how old are the animals going o/s?  Reading the above posts I imagine it is over the age considered to be 'lamb'.

There are muslim run abbatoirs in many regional areas already; who do you thing produces the halal meat in Australia?  Many refugees are only too happy to go and work there. 


It is true that the local practices are also cruel, but not as awful as the sea journey.  Many of the Muslim countries prefer to slaughter their own meat, but I do not believe they do not have refrigeration; if somebody drags home whole sheep and then slaughters it they do not eat it there and then. 


I imagine the ship load of sheep is insured, and in any case it is not the farmers who own the animals on these ships, so they are not losing.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 43 of 69
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Re: death at sea

@debra9275 wrote:

Punch I think the live export trade has pushed up the prices for us the Australian consumers, we seem to come last on the list

probably, but the farmers can get more per head over there.


what would you do?


if you needed $100 a week


would you sell 10 products at $10


or 20 dresses at $5


taking into account the extra work and resources needed to produce the extra 10 products.




also, consider why farmers started expoerting in the first place


was it because they couldn't get enough money in Aust to sustain their businesses?


was it because maybe they can have a few hours off every few months if they have to raise less livestock to make the required money?


Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 44 of 69
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Re: death at sea

i would supply my local market first (as i do)


& farmers were able to make a living prior to the export of live animals

Message 45 of 69
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Re: death at sea

@***super_nova*** wrote:

I wonder how old are the animals going o/s?  Reading the above posts I imagine it is over the age considered to be 'lamb'.

There are muslim run abbatoirs in many regional areas already; who do you thing produces the halal meat in Australia?  Many refugees are only too happy to go and work there. 


It is true that the local practices are also cruel, but not as awful as the sea journey.  Many of the Muslim countries prefer to slaughter their own meat, but I do not believe they do not have refrigeration; if somebody drags home whole sheep and then slaughters it they do not eat it there and then. 


I imagine the ship load of sheep is insured, and in any case it is not the farmers who own the animals on these ships, so they are not losing.

generally speaking, a lamb is a sheep under 1 year old (spring lamb is about 6 months old) once it is over 1 year old it is mutton.


so it's really about the quantities that can be produced in time.


and of course they keep a whole sheep if they don't have refridgeration, what do you think we used to do? they corn it, dry it or share it with extended families etc 


generally speaking, our lamb has no natural parasites ior food contaminant pathogens. The contaminating pathogens are externally introduced and come from the processing process - ie they are introduced by the handlers. So a live lamb is "pure" whereas one that has been processed has potential contaminants which lead to faster food spoilage. (that goes for all red meat produced tio MLA compliant standards)


The MLA spent a lot of time and money setting up and training Indonesian abbotoirs, however once they left, the practises we implemented were discarded.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 46 of 69
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Re: death at sea

@debra9275 wrote:

i would supply my local market first (as i do)


& farmers were able to make a living prior to the export of live animals

so why are there so many gone?


why are so many of our farmers in trouble?


so many reasons.


their workforce has moved (primarily family who worked "for free" - but now encouraged to "find an easier life and head for the city)


          so now they have to hire farmhands....


wages have now been standardized - we have award and minimum wages








transportation costs




pesticides and chemicals (for the livestock and the feed)


cost of land and it's maintenance


imported diseases and threats




times have changed


agriculture in Australia is dying



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 47 of 69
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Re: death at sea

what do you think is used here?


have you seen how an animal is slaughtered here?


that is exactly what we set up over there. They chose not to follow it. Their gov chose not to adapt our recommendations. Their gov chose not to support it.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 48 of 69
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Re: death at sea

@debra9275 wrote:

i would supply my local market first (as i do)



perhaps the farmers don't have that luxury

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 49 of 69
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Re: death at sea

what do you think is used here?


have you seen how an animal is slaughtered here?


that is exactly what we set up over there. They chose not to follow it. Their gov chose not to adapt our recommendations. Their gov chose not to support it.







no I don't think they use those boxes with the sloping floors here, they were designed by the MLA and given to Indonesia at taxpayers expense. we predominantly use electric prods here as far as i know


google it. there are plenty of articles about it on the net

Message 50 of 69
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