neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

Hi i have for over 5 yrs a selfish neighbour that got a puppy overgrown rat looking that yapped for hours.  She then got another dog.  After letters and husband going over it went abit better.   Paid for shutters to block the noise in the bedroom did nothing.  Even with parties she lets her mutts bark alllll night, if i went to a party i would not be impressed listening to her dogs yap all night.   I was talking with hubby saying ive had enough it sounds like a dog pound behind us. I was going to write another letter friendly to say we have been patient enough please please you are home all day when they yap at nothing please go out and keep them quiet, they are outside doggies she says.   WELL yesterday i get her coming over asking if i was Lisa, i said no why what is it about?  she was rude and said dont worry went to the neighbour next to me.   Well these neighbours next to us we have been friends for 25 yrs but...... they are growing weed smell it through our house most days we have put up with druggies coming and going from their house.   They feed all the feral cats and then cracked at me for catching these cats as i killed one of hers but she said they were microchipped (if i did rspca said none of the 13 ive brought in were so either lying or not hers).  She came back threatening me that im Lisa its my letter to keep her dam dogs quiet and my next door neighbour said it was my hand writing.  To be honest they are with the fairies their faces are all drawn im thinking they have smoked too much and not with it.   I kept saying i can show you my hand writing.  SHe threw the letter in my face saying dont go down that road i know people in the council and its a lie i work from home and they dont bark much and thats what dogs do they bark.  In 5 yrs i have NEVER seen her come out and quiet them never seen her walk them.  Kept calling me Lisa and threatening me.  I have NEVER been treated like this before.   Yes some days ive had enough and scream shut your dogs up so she must of thought i was the the one that wrote it.  she said shes gone to all the houses around and noone is Lisa and you are the problem they all say the barking doesnt bother them.  Im SO ANGRY how dare she accuse me and when i said well to be honest my husband was going to come and tell you to shut them up she just went off.     I told her if you threaten me like this i will flippen go to the council!!!  I will ring on MOnday and let them know.  I dont mind a dog barking a little and the neighbour says sorry i will try to keep them quiet.  But to her yapping ever 10  mins in the day is nothing and i am the problem!!



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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

yes i agree we were going to give her another friendly reminder that her dogs are growing worse again.  BUT i didnt write this letter she  is threatening me with.   Since she was so abusive i have rang my council and getting it dealt with.  My other neighbour next to me is over it as well but hes old and doesnt want to cause any hassle.  Im tempted to walk around house to house behind me to see who this flippen lisa is 

Message 21 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

loved your story.  Ive had people say to record her dogs and play it back to her.  Im not nasty like that:(   I think if i never have experienced the frustration of someone elses dog you cant shut up i wouldnt understand and like that nasty lady thinks she can just judge when shes not experiencing it herself.  Bullies on here are terrible something must be wrong in their life.   We had a neighbour with a blow vac.   it would go for hours each day and my weed growing neighbours used to yell at them and hated the noise.  BUT for me it relaxed me and didnt bother me at all

Message 22 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

lol good try.   Yes i have talked to the neighbour next to me and another one near them.  THey are over the yappers but.... they dont like alot around here are too scared to do anything.  I understand dogs bark, i had a golden but... trained him well hardly barked.  But to be home and let them go off all day and dam right rude and to say there is nothing i can do. Normal neighbours would go out and hush them up if they go too long.  Well lol the council laughed thought she was mad and rude and yes they are doing something!!

Message 23 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

Community Member

People who keep animals need to realise that with animal ownership comes responsibility, and one of those responsibilities is to see to it that their animals are not constantly being a nuisance to others.


Most people are reasonable and will try their best to do the right thing, others are just too lazy, too stupid, or both, to be bothered and that's when we see things like the problems mentioned here.

Approaching these types of people is usually a frustrating waste of time as they simply don't care.


Councils can be reasonable when it comes to this type of issue, though unfortunately, some aren't.

Our Council has a policy similar to what's mentioned by cezm .

Sometimes it works, other times it does not.

One thing that can help when dealing with a Council with regards to a problem barking dog is videoing the constant nuisance barking and see to it the Council gets access to the video so they can see for themselves what's going on, and for how long.

If possible use a timestamp feature on the video.


Ignore the peanut gallery trying the guilt trip and blaming you for problems caused by others and their animals, or telling you to move etc. etc., as I see they've tried to do here, they can't be reasoned with no matter what the situation.

You don't have to explain yourself to them, stick to your guns and if necessary, keep complaining so the idiots who won't control their animals are forced to do so, for the sake of everyone who's had to endure it.

Maybe next time the problem neighbour assaults you (paper in the face) consider getting them charged.


Good luck!






Message 24 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me


 look at that. Too many people found my comment helpful, so you had it removed! How sporting of you. 😊


I’ve not called you names, ever.... but I did call you out! 
...however, you feel you can come on here and rant and rave your anger and frustrations towards me .... I hope you feel better for it 😉

Also, because you seem to be a little hazy on remembering your own statement, here it is: YOU STATED YOU KILLED A CAT!! 
I can’t quote from my iPad so I took a screenshot of your opening post and underlined it to refresh your failing memory. I hope it helps you, moving forward 💋




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Message 25 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

Message 26 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

@ilovemykids64. I've read your first post. It looks like you have a stressful situation at hand. I am in agreement with you for the most part. I don't agree with your trapping the cat. If you killed it then that's not good. But in another post you say you didn't. So, I think you meant to say originally that the neighbor thought you killed cat because it went to RSPCA.


Anyway, with the yapping dog. I can understand completely and sometimes there's nothing worse! Some of those little dogs for whatever reason can be unbearable. Could the dog be barking at the cats sometimes when they are wandering on to the other section? From what I read though it just sounds like a poorly trained little dog. IMO, many little dogs are like that.  All I can say is just keep your composure and maybe have a talk to drop a note  about the situation in letter box of other neighbours who are a few more houses away.

Message 27 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

You must have missed the bit where - neighbours lacked interest.

Message 28 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

actually i should of proof read it before sending.  What i meant is she cracked at me saying i killed one of her cats.  That didnt come out right and yes sounds not good.   She accused me of killing her cat but..... i didnt catch her cat because she said they were microchipped and no need for a collar.  Rspca and council are working with me getting this feral cat situation so they know that she is the problem feeding them all in the area.  If you are a animal lover then its inhumane for these poor cats being homeless shes just making the situation worse.



Actually the dogs are much better so she must of found out from her "friends" in council that i have reported this

Message 29 of 74
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neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me

Hi thanks for your helpful post.   Yes that is what i meant the neighbour thought i killed her cat but i never did, could never ever do that to an animal.  I drive alllll the way to the rspca with each homeless cat and they are thankful.


You know maybe they are barking at the cats around here, but.... she raved on she works 7 days a week from home soooo i dont understand when they are going on and on she doesnt go keep them quiet??  She says they are trained out door doggies lol they are not trained at all.  Im not going to other neighbours i dont know, im just sticking to the council for now.   If noone has experienced having these yappy dogs a few metres from your home then they have NO idea 

Message 30 of 74
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