oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

 who agrees?? 6  years  with  possibly only  3  years........  i  was  horrified and i  watched the whole  trial

Message 1 of 26
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Re: oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

The defence team said it would not appeal against the sentence. The state has not yet said whether it intends to appeal on the grounds the sentence was too lenient (Pistorius’ sentence for his original conviction for culpable homicide was five years).


The state has 14 days to decide.




Message 21 of 26
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Re: oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

@imastawka wrote:

I think he is going to be very poorly treated inside


One can only hope

Took the very words out of my mouth. 

Message 22 of 26
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Re: oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

I wonder if the judge has passed this relatively light sentence because he's white and she is of colour.

Maybe she fears that if she gave him the maximum gaol time some racial tension could flare up as a result?

Who knows for sure?

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Message 23 of 26
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Re: oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

White people in SA are very paranoid, they live in gated communities and sleep with guns.  I do not think we can quite understand.  If I wake up in middle of the night with strange noise coming out of my bathroom, my 1st thought would be that I must have locked accidentally one of my cats there.  It would not occurred to me that there is an intruder who wants to kill me.  If I thought there was an intruder, I would grab the phone and run outside (to safety) and call the police.  But that is not the way things are in SA or USA for the matter, they shoot first and think later.  But just because person does not act the way I or you would, especially if they are woken up from deep sleep in the middle of the night, does not mean that they are guilty.  Simply, the only 2 people who know the truth is Oscar & Reeva.




Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 24 of 26
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Re: oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

The judge mentioned remorse.


I think his remorse is that he didn't get away with it

Message 25 of 26
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Re: oscar pitorius sentence is a disgrace

How can anybody "get away" with killing another person?  Even it is an accident there are repercussions.  Even if it is an accident, which could not be in any way avoided, it will be investigated and it will go to court, and it can go either way.  But which ever way, the accused will have their life seriously disrupted and in many ways ruined.


Some years back I was driving slowly down a suburban street (40km/h ?)  when a kid on a bike came from their  downhill driveway, crashed to the side of my car.  His bike was a mess, my car needed panel beating, but he was just bit bruised.  I was in shock, and had to be breath tested and interrogated, and then I had to wait 3 months before I received a letter saying that no charges against me will be laid.  If i was going fraction slower, arrived at the spot second later I would have hit him with front of my car and who knows what the implications would be.  At that time my job involved driving, so no licence = no job.  So the 3 months waiting meant lots of sleepless nights, and great stress. 




Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 26 of 26
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