should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

should being a homophobic bigot rule her out of an award like an australia day honour?

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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

Why on earth not - he got 68 views 6 months ago. 

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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

A guide to Australia Day honours and how the selection process works

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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

It seems as though the Australia Day Honours are the awards that keep on being awarded.  Win one when you are young and you will get another bite at the cherry if you live long enough.


I believe they should be awarded to people who are doing good works NOW.....not for what they did years ago, especialy as they were given awards at the time.

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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

I'm sure plenty of famous and successful people have unpopular opinions to crazy beliefs. Some are smart enough not to voice it publically. 


Personally I don't like her because she has a **bleep** resting face, but her credential speaks for itself and she's been rewarded for her achievement as a great tennis player and not for being a loveable person. 

Nobody is asking her to be a "lovable person". But the Order of Australia is awarded to people who "have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement", "and people who make a real difference to their communities."


Court has taken it upon herself to publicly condemn members of her community who do not conform with her pentecostal beliefs. She has done this as an individual and as a minister of her religion. To reward her bigotry with an Order of Australia would be hypocritical and an insult to the members of her community whom she has linked with the devil.

Yes, Court obvious "have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement", "and people who make a real difference to their communities." by her personal achievements and being a role model for young sportspeople as well as her charities thru her church. So by that, she qualifies. 

So she's a true Christian who cleary is just following what her bible tells her to do. Why not just banned all true Christians(for that matter muslims as well) from winning this award. 

Look at Sir Issac Newton, considered one of the greatest mind, mathematician, scientist, whatever. Tonnes of awards have been bestowed unto him. Yet, his bat-**bleep** crazy beliefs are well knowned as well as being somewhat of a woman hater. SHould we take all his awards away from him?

Now look at so many of the supposed past heros/writers/ etc etc. Many were racist and supported slavery. Should we condemn them too. 


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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

Nobody is suggesting that she should have any of her previous awards taken away....she got them fair and square for some remarkable achievements at the time.  Why does she need more awards years later for the same achievements?


As for previous award winners.....there is no suggestion of taking anything away.  At the time of those awards the world was a different place and the awards were given in the context of those times.   I have no doubt that if we judged many awards of the past by today's standards we would wonder why a lot of people received kudos for their achievements.

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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?


According to the Govorner General David Hurley, " They're given to people whose efforts make our communities and our nation a better place."


One of the problems with our nation and community at the moment is that free speech and the right to express views based on our ( christian ) religious freedoms is under threat. Both on this forum and in the wider community any view that does not align with the leftist, socialist dogma is drowned out with howls of indignation.


While I don't personally agree with Margaret Courts views, they are based on christian values that have been around a lot longer than Australia has been a federated nation.


She and many others believe returning to a more religious based, moral society WILL make our community and nation a better place. In many regards, I agree with her that we as a nation have lost our way, particularly on moral values, freedom of speech, drug use and individual responsibility and independence.


On the question of re-instating freedom of expression and the right to express different opinions ( including the right to campaign against social change that an individual or group does not agree with ) , I believe she is a worthy figure head to receive the award. For her recent works as pastor, she may be just as suitable as many other nominees.


Voltaire had said, "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

Message 36 of 169
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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

Chameleon wrote One of the problems with our nation and community at the moment is that free speech and the right to express views based on our ( christian ) religious freedoms is under threat. Both on this forum and in the wider community any view that does not align with the leftist, socialist dogma is drowned out with howls of indignation.


And do those who  align with the leftist, socialist dogma not have an equal right to free speech - or does the fact that there are far more of them than there areof  fundamentalist Christians meanonly the minority view should not be heard?


And what about fundamentalists from other religions? Are radical Imams merely exercising their right to free speech  when they quote the Koran on the treatment of women and infidels? And are those who condemn these views 'drowning them out with howls of indignation because their view does not align with the leftist, socialist dogma?

Message 37 of 169
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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

For her recent works as pastor, she may be just as suitable as many other nominees.


I doubt that any other pastor would be considered for an AC. OAM, maybe, AO possibly.


The reason would seem to be that she is a retired tennis player, who already has 2 awards for that.

Message 38 of 169
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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:


"So she's a true Christian who cleary is just following what her bible tells her to do." 

I'm confident the Christians who voted in favour of same sex marriage in 2017 would disagree. She is not a true Christian, unless of course you are suggesting that true Christians are bigots? The messages she receives from the Bible are badly messed up in her head. She owns her homophobia, not her God.

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should Margaret Court receive an australia day honour?

Its great to see the Woke Lynch mob mentality is alive and well .

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