on 12-12-2014 11:02 AM
Having lodged a complaint against Pay Pal and Ebay in regards to illegally freezing funds and also referring the matter to the privacy commisioner. The Financial Services Ombudsman also wants to hear about accounts where funds have been placed under the 21 day hold. Their office is anticipating an across board deluge of complaints and they wish to be advised of individual cases as believe this is a breach of law.
08-01-2015 05:38 AM - edited 08-01-2015 05:39 AM
man,whats with these bumpy roads ?, errrrrr, well you do live in Qld....BUMP BUMP BUMP..
on 08-01-2015 07:31 AM
I've read most of the posts on this thread but I have to say that the posters that insist on making their only contribution to it to be an excuse to get it to the top of the threads are really not doing justice to the problem that Paypal is inflicting on members.
Shame eBay doesn't get hammered in the same way for the scammers that they allow to have a free ride at the expense of buyers.
"Trust & Safety" (what a misnomer that is) you obviously are the toothless tiger that allows your "protected sellers" to operate with absolute impunity whilst eBay is killing small to medium sellers with their wonderful "defect" improvement. GGF
Rant finished bump the bugr anyway...............................
on 08-01-2015 04:37 PM
This must be kept up the top...
on 08-01-2015 07:23 PM
Thanks for the thread guys, I've just lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman. There is no need to hold funds for such a long period if it's clear the seller has made sales previously with positive feedback. This has got shady written all over it. I sell items on eBay when I want money reasonably quickly, it's BS.
on 08-01-2015 09:22 PM
Without reading this whole thread can someone tell me if this hold on funds is legal or illegal under our laws please ?
on 08-01-2015 10:32 PM
Can you tell me how I can contact the financial service ombudsman about the 21 day hold please as i have not had any funds released and have all feedback done and have rang them and they just send me more of the sames as the others its bad and frighting please help me so i can make a complaint please thanks
on 08-01-2015 11:06 PM
below is the link to their website.
on 08-01-2015 11:17 PM
on 09-01-2015 03:51 AM
@padi*0409 wrote:I've read most of the posts on this thread but I have to say that the posters that insist on making their only contribution to it to be an excuse to get it to the top of the threads are really not doing justice to the problem that Paypal is inflicting on members.
Padi that has to be the most offensive thing I have seen you post in a long time....and in answer to my bumping the thread.
Do you really think I need to bump this thread to get to the top of the board?
As I have already posted at the start of this thread.....I am not a seller so have no vested interest in the workings of this newest policy BUT I am a buyer who feels that it is very, very wrong. I cannot post specific examples of the injustice of the policy but as I am a nightowl on the boards I think the very least I can do is help keep the thread at the top of the board. It is often well down the page when I find it in the wee small hours.
Forgive me if I take no notice of your churlish post but if any other sellers would prefer me to butt out, please say so...and no need to be as rude as Padi. I can take a hint.
09-01-2015 06:22 AM - edited 09-01-2015 06:23 AM
Well said lyndal1838
While im here...............BUMP....................