on 02-10-2020 05:52 PM
I joined eBay as a seller about 9 months ago and sold one item I now want to sell more. I cannot find the site where I joined. Does eBay delete sellers who do not list after a period of time?
on 02-10-2020 05:57 PM
If you are registered as a seller, you are registered as a seller. It is your eBay ID that counts, and you obviously still have access to that. Unless you opened a new account to sell through.
Have you tried listing something?
on 02-10-2020 08:01 PM
That is my problem I thought I was registered at a Seller under another name. I did sell one item. I want to access that seller account which is sjstamps11 but I cannot, a search on that name does not bring up any result. Help please
on 02-10-2020 08:22 PM
If you only sold one item, then your feedback would be a max of 1, and you would probably be subject to a 21 day funds hold after 9 months with no sales anyway.
Create another ID, using a different email address (as you need to do anyway), link that to your Paypal account, and list to your heart's content. Remembering what the ID and password are.
Alternatively, just list using noandra - if you don't sell often it shouldn't matter.
on 02-10-2020 09:03 PM
Ok, thanks for your help.
on 02-10-2020 09:12 PM
You can sign in to ebay with the username or the email used to create an account, so if you remember the email address you used to sign up for the new account, you may be able to access it that way.
eBay once deleted an inactive account of mine, but it was a couple of years after i created it, from memory.