on 22-08-2013 07:48 PM
Both myself and the buyer received the following
email today ( 22.08.13 ).
Date/Time 15.08.13 09:33:44
Current status Awaiting Collection at Post Office.
Important: Your item will be held for a limited period.
If you cannot collect it or arrange collection within 5 working days the article may be returned to the sender.
It's little wonder some items get returned unclaimed.
on 26-08-2013 11:37 AM
Hi termalert
I'm sorry that you have received the email so late. I can understand your concern here that your item may be returned to sender.
We hold all items for collection for a total of 10 business days. The email you have received asks you to collect your item within 5 business days to encourage you to pick up your parcel sooner rather than later. After this initial 5 business days has elapsed, a second 'reminder' card is sent to you, advising you that we will hold the item for another 5 business days. As Priscila has mentioned, if you cannot attend the Post Office in time to collect your parcel, we can organise to hold it for a longer period.
If you did not receive either of these cards, this is something that we would like to investigate. Please complete this form here: http://auspo.st/17dB7oi so we can investigate the issue. Also, please mention that you have received your notification email 7 days late so we can also look into that matter also.
Paul S
Australia Post eBay Team Member
on 26-08-2013 03:38 PM
I had a buyer's parcel returned to me this afternoon from a SA Post Office nowhere near the buyer's location (If Google maps is correct). The address was correct in both ebay & Paypal notifications & clearly marked on the parcel. Posted Mon 12/8 from metro Melb & back here 26/8.
I have contacted the buyer to let them know the parcel was returned to me & that I will resend, & am awaiting their reply as to whether they received any notifications of an item awaiting collection. Hopefully the buyer will be understanding of a situation beyond my control.
I'm now wondering if I will have to pay for the new delivery? The original AP postage sticker is fully intact & legible. Item is boxed & will not fit into a street posting box, so will need to go over the counter again. I won't ask the buyer for extra postage costs, but it's also not fair that I may have to wear the cost & any repercussions for AP's non delivery.
Another example of AP losing the plot? I suppose I should be greatful they didn't lose the parcel!
on 26-08-2013 07:15 PM
@australiapoststore wrote:Hi termalert
I'm sorry that you have received the email so late. I can understand your concern here that your item may be returned to sender.
We hold all items for collection for a total of 10 business days. The email you have received asks you to collect your item within 5 business days to encourage you to pick up your parcel sooner rather than later. After this initial 5 business days has elapsed, a second 'reminder' card is sent to you, advising you that we will hold the item for another 5 business days. As Priscila has mentioned, if you cannot attend the Post Office in time to collect your parcel, we can organise to hold it for a longer period.
If you did not receive either of these cards, this is something that we would like to investigate. Please complete this form here: http://auspo.st/17dB7oi so we can investigate the issue. Also, please mention that you have received your notification email 7 days late so we can also look into that matter also.
Paul S
Australia Post eBay Team Member
Congratulations Paul S. You have shown yet again that AP have no idea as to what they are doing & are just doing lipservice to eBay sellers & buyers. If you would bother to look at the original post ( that's the first post at the top of the page so as not to confuse you ) you will see that " termalert " is the sender of the item. REPEAT . Read the opening post before you or another Australia Post eBay Team Member show their complete lack of ability to do their job
on 26-08-2013 10:30 PM
So sorry guys. I didn't post and run ( as in write a post and run ).
I didn't know this new forum didn't carry over settings ( like
emailing when my thread was replied to ).
I guess even AusPost was unable to solve the time warp mystery.
Oh well.
on 26-08-2013 11:04 PM
Well .... now that you mention it termalot..... the new forums are running on Australia Post time and just letting you know that you may get an email in a week or two or three even to let you know you had responses.