Australian eBay Sellers Subsidizing Chinese Sellers
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on โ14-11-2014 03:59 PM
It's about time Chinese sellers pay the proper cost of delivering their items throughout Australia. It's totally ridiculous for Chinese items of less than $5 to be sent free of postage to any destination in Australia, yet this is happening thousands of times over every week, if not every day! I can't send a package under 500g for less than $5, so how can a Chinese seller? ANSWER - Australia Post makes it's profits from Australian sellers like me whilst it makes a loss delivering Chinese imported parcels. It's about time the imported parcels pay their proper postage cost! When Australia Post lists a fall in profits or even a loss, they need look no further than all those millions of Chinese parcels being delivered for next to nothing!
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โ18-05-2015 01:23 AM - edited โ18-05-2015 01:26 AM
Here is the best solution, just make a courier company better than Australia Post. All you need to do is, pay all the people to use your service thus making money by posting in australia.. WIN!
Imagine if China sellers gets faster postage as well as having high quality items.. Then we all be screwed even more.. lol
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on โ18-05-2015 01:27 AM
@i-love-my-sheep wrote:
@transoceania wrote:
Find something that is not made in China and sell it on ebay australia.Good luck with that!!
Make the item yourself and sell it, therefore its a unique item to your store only.
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on โ18-05-2015 09:43 AM
If both you and the buyer are in the same city, it can actually be cheaper to get on the train and take the item to the location yourself! Of course, with how open eBay is to buyer fraud, it's all too easy for a buyer to file an Item Not Received/Not as Described even if you knocked at their door and gave them the item yourself, just because they buyer simply didn't what they just bought, or the movie sucked, or they were still too fat to fit into the XXXL item they bought anyway, or otherwise no longer want it. The worst part? They have six whole months to do that, and you can't do a thing because you don't have a postal receipt with a tracking number!
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on โ18-05-2015 02:03 PM
A lot of Aussie ebay sellers would be out of business if the Chinese had to pay more to post to Australia. That means they'd be forced to join the dole queues, which means taxes would go up in one way or another. Whether we pay extra money to AP to subsidise the Chinese posting stuff here or whether we pay extra taxes to support the people who were able to make a living when Chinese postage was low, it all boils down to much the same thing.
Most of us are happy to buy goods in the shops that were made for a pittance in China, and that we couldn't afford to buy if they were made in Australia, yet we complain because they're cheap, or because they can got here cheaply. I can't quite see the logic in this, nor can I see the logic in an Aussie seller complaining because the items they post out have higher postage on them than the postage on their items that come from China.
If these sellers paid the same postage rates on their purchases as on their sales, they'd have to raise their prices to make the same profit, so buyers would still pay the same as they do now. In fact, on combined purchases their buyers could pay a lot more because the postage savings would be less, while the goods would cost more.
One solution would be for China to take us over so that we get the same rates as the Chinese. The way we're racking up debt to the Chinese, this is no longer in the realms of fantasy.
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on โ19-05-2015 11:48 PM
@i-love-my-sheep wrote:
@transoceania wrote:
Find something that is not made in China and sell it on ebay australia.Good luck with that!!
None of my stuff was made in China
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on โ20-05-2015 10:01 AM
Yes everyone posting within Australia or selling something in Australia should pay GST and the same postage rate for the items size - PERIOD!
It's just BS that Australians are ham strung by unfair playing fields via the Australian Governments GST policy and Australia Posts unfair postage charges to local sellers.
I wouldn't mind if every ebay seller had to pay GST collected by ebay and passed onto the govt.
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on โ01-01-2017 11:47 AM
Australia Post moving to Post Office Boxes?
I pay $277 for the privilege of having a PO Box. I have to collect the mail myself from the Post Office.
If they deliver it to my address employing a postie to spend his days buzzing around the suburbs on his motorbike it is free service.
How is Au Post moving to efficiency??
@norm2500 wrote:One bright spot is that Australia Post seems to be trying to reduce costs by moving towards greater use of Australia Post box numbers to handle letter and parcel delivery. This would weed out those Chinese and other overseas sellers that won't post to a box number.
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โ01-01-2017 03:06 PM - edited โ01-01-2017 03:10 PM
When was the last time you were able to buy underwear, socks & even most outer garments & footwear not made in China?
Up until the late 1980's a lot of areas in the Melbourne's Inner Northern suburbs of Brunswick; Richmond; Fitzroy; Abbotsford. Coburg, & etc, had a strong garment manufacturing industry. Factories lined the tramlines to transport migrant workers ("New Australians" - Who remembers that phrase?) to their machinist & other manual labour jobs. The ability to speak English was not a requirement for most & employment was booming until the early to late1970's.
Now all those factories are closed & transformed into apartment blocks. My elderly Dad managed a menswear factory in East Brunswick.; Tramstop to City out the front. It is now a student apartment block catering to OS (Mostly Asian) students of Melb Uni & RMIT City campuses.
Aussie students can't afford the rent there - even though the bedsits are tiny & substandard in facilities (Think a small bedroom with student desk, bar size fridge & a hotplate & small microwave on a small 2 door kitchen cabinet). They even have shared bathrooms off the hallways! (My daughter visited a fellow student there & took pics for my Dad of his former workplace)
When the factory was upgraded in the late 1960's it had an underground carpark added & was about 4 storeys tall in height to allow for cooling towers on the roof. Now even the UG carpark it student lets (No windows!) There are over 820 student apartments in that same ex factory!
Which leads me to a whole other area of contention... student fees & debts for same for Aussie kids! A discourse for another time & place than here. Do please remember that our current politicians all got their degrees for free! The same ones now upping student fees that are already too high for most Aussie families!
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โ01-01-2017 07:43 PM - edited โ01-01-2017 07:44 PM
Our son left school at 15 and went straight into employment on around $10 an hour at a fast food joint. He was earning around $250 a week clear. With rent assistance, he could get a similar amount on the dole.
He wanted to study IT so applied at TAFE. Because he got off his bum and works, we have to pay $100 a day for his course. If he sat on his A$$ on the dole he gets it for free. What encouragement is there for the kids to work when these sorts of anomilies are in the system.????
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โ02-01-2017 03:16 PM - edited โ02-01-2017 03:20 PM
The cost of TAFE courses has more than quadrupled for Aussies in the last few years. It may even be higher than my guesstimate from when one of my daughters qualified as a chef about 5 years ago.
Back then the fees were around $1,000 per annum. Now the local TAFE (strangely now changed it's name to Melbourne Polytechnic & more actively marketing to OS students) charges around $1400 per term for the same course.
Even when my daughter attended there the students were predominately "Internationals" from India & Asian countries.
Another daughter received her Master's Degree in Primary Teaching from Melbourne University the 2nd week of December 2016. The number of OS students @ the ceremony was also very high - & these were only Education Masters & Doctoral degrees being conferred.
What silly politician was it that wanted to market Australia as "The Clever Country?" I bet he or she also got their degree(s) for free!
2 of my daughters have massive HECS debts from Melb Uni. Neither can get work in their fields (both with Master's degrees) A Psychologist working as a travel agent & the Primary Teacher & qualified Accountant as a dog trainer!
The Chef's hubby has Bachelor degrees in both Finance & Law; He got his Master's in Teaching (Primary) at the same time as his Sister-In-Law. Has had to move far rural to get a job in teaching. He took the extra 2 years for his Master's as he couldn't get a job in either field of his other dual degrees.
Where are the jobs for graduates?
The guy that delivered my new couch in November has a PhD in Physics & is working as a truck jockey hauling furniture for the Fantastic chain of stores! I knew him as a geeky teen & was surprised to see him doing such a job! The biggest surprise was the Melb Uni Law graduate working in a male revue @ a Crown Casino nightclub for hen's night's & such! Another lad I knew as a teen.
In short; Be nice to your "Checkout Chick" or Maccas server - They may be studying for their Master's degrees (as two of my daughters did!) to finance being a student.