Become an eBay Seller Expert

Strange email received today inviting selected Sellers to become eBay Seller Experts.


$10 AUD sign-on bonus and $1.20 AUD everytime you successfully support an eBay seller.


Email all looks legit. But no message in my eBay messages in the Seller Hub from eBay.


Clicked on the button taken  to a website run by Limitless Technology (out of the UK) , but the offer has changed from AUD to USD and please hand over a fair bit of personal info.


At this point I have bravely run away (shut everything down).


Maybe legit - but I'll err on the side of caution.


Anyone else receive something similar? 

Message 1 of 7
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Re: Become an eBay Seller Expert

It might be legit:

But it is strange you don't have the message in your eBay messages. Maybe it was sent by Limitless?

I agree with you that it is better to be cautious.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Become an eBay Seller Expert

The email address it came from was - which is not the usual eBay one I get messages from.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Become an eBay Seller Expert

There is a bit of controversy about that email address, if you search the forum. Some people think it is legit because it contains the domain name, but eBay itself has said more than once that it is fake, so a bit of caution is advisable, even if CS might be wrong. I haven't read all threads, but I don't think it was determined with absolute certainty whether that email address is legit or not.


Message 4 of 7
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Re: Become an eBay Seller Expert

Run,  Run very fast.  Dont give your details,  if it was legit they already have your details so wouldnt have to ask

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Become an eBay Seller Expert

This is an official program being run by eBay on the US site, and possibly the UK site as well as shown in the linked article above. There's a ecommercebytes post about it as well, but my links to that site always result in an error page, no matter what (no idea why). 



I'm not sure the program has gone down too well with the majority of eBay users - those who spend time assisting for free often resent those who are being compensated, and the whole "being paid by eBay" idea has already re-ignited ancient conspiracy theories here in this forum. 🤣



Message 6 of 7
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Re: Become an eBay Seller Expert

Link says that in SIX WEEKS of answering CS type messages you can earn enough money to pay a utility bill..................Any "expert seller " worth their salt could earn enough money selling on ebay in a few hours to pay a utility bill so why would they spend six weeks slaving away answering CS questions for the same amount of money ????.


The scheme is not going to attract any genuine expert sellers. Like all things, ebay cant afford them.

Message 7 of 7
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