Big increase in buyers not paying..

I realise sometimes this happens but lately I have noted a big increase in the number of buyers just not paying and I have to open cases, then all is lost, also ignoring my courtesy reminder emails, so don't know if I should offer to 2nd highest bidder, or relist or what !!!! anyone else notice this of late ?

Message 1 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

Another five unpaid items this week. Becoming a joke. UPI's mean nothing to some buyers who believe they are a protected species...and perhaps they are?

Message 11 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

Just a thought Supa Nova, If you require payment immediately with BINS do you scare some buyers away ? I have a large percentage of buyers who only use Ebay occasionally and don't always have funds in their Paypal account ( or no Paypal at all ) I have considered using the instant payment system but are concerned I might "scare the horses" Like all things on Ebay what works for some sellers may be counter productive for others, depending non their products and buyers. ?? Any thought appreciated.

Message 12 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

If you rarely (if ever) sell multiple items to the same buyer, and a significant percentage of your sales are paid for immediately via PayPal, then immediate payment required could be beneficial.


As you eliminate the possibility for buyers to combine multiple purchases for cheaper postage, some sellers use it in conjunction with free post so that buyers don't feel they're missing out on potential savings (even though they probably are, and probably would be anyway when buying multiple free post items). Anyone who uses payment methods other than PayPal, or eCheques via PayPal, will not be able to buy, so it's a matter of weighing up whether the benefit of not dealing with NPBs outweighs the potentially lost sales.

Message 13 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

Sounds like I better stay "as is". I get all sorts of requests for payment methods. My customers are mainly mature aged men, many who need a little assistance with the processes as they don't use computers very often. I get a reasonable number of combined posts, often just using the Paypal transaction refund facility to reimburse them as they often pay all items in full. 

Message 14 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

I am looking at a possibly non payer now, FB score of 7,  2 of those are for non payment

Message 15 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

All I can suggest to all sellers that get a non payer is to file a non payer dispute, get your FVF back and block the buyer. Let ebay issue a strike and move on.

I am astounded at the number of sellers who don't use the system to get a refund of fees.

Remember every time your fees get refunded ebay loses money. They are in business to make money not lose it and if they find a sharp increase in refunds of FVF they may just make there strikes stick and enforce the three strike your out policy.

I'm currently running at 40% non payer on my main selling ID and 80% non payer on my clearance ID and have no hesitations opening a dispute and asking ebay for my fees back.


Message 16 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

Community Member

I have notice alot of buyers being non payers especially for buy it now, I have a buyer at the moment ask me to relist a item and then buyer buys it and says they can't make payment for 2 weeks.

Not really happy about it but what do you do.

I send friendly reminder to non payers if i don't hear from them in 48hrs, I open a non payer on them.

Message 17 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

I sometimes wonder if some buyers use BIN as a form of "add to cart" but when finished looking they don't want anything so don't pay for the BIN.


I am used to a website where sometimes there is only one item and the reduction is huge so by "adding to my cart" I take it out of sale for a number of minutes while I think about it. When someone else looks at the item they get a message that it is in someones cart but not paid for and to return in 10 minutes or whatever.



Message 18 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

Maybe they do use BIN as a type of cart, but that does not explain why when the item appears in their purchases, or they get invoices or messages from the seller or ebay via unpaid dispute, why they do not respond.

Message 19 of 36
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Re: Re: Big increase in buyers not paying..

Yes I too am getting non-payers.Have blocked and reported as well.What I dont get is as a seller we can be given negative feedback but cannot give buyers same.It looks like Ebay is protecting buyers more than their sellers.

Message 20 of 36
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