on โ14-03-2014 04:35 PM
Solved! Go to Solution.
โ14-03-2014 05:16 PM - edited โ14-03-2014 05:17 PM
Ask the seller to scroll to the bottom of any page. Select site map from bottom toolbar. In middle row ( selling ) about half way down is "selling activity" heading with "Blocked buyer list" icon. Click on this and three options come up. One of which is add buyer to blocked buyer exemption list. The seller follows the prompts to add your name to this list. Only the seller can exempt you from his blocks. Ebay will not do this for you.
โ14-03-2014 05:16 PM - edited โ14-03-2014 05:17 PM
Ask the seller to scroll to the bottom of any page. Select site map from bottom toolbar. In middle row ( selling ) about half way down is "selling activity" heading with "Blocked buyer list" icon. Click on this and three options come up. One of which is add buyer to blocked buyer exemption list. The seller follows the prompts to add your name to this list. Only the seller can exempt you from his blocks. Ebay will not do this for you.
on โ14-03-2014 05:22 PM
If they have blocked you via adding your ID to their BBL, they can remove it. If there are global blocks preventing you from purchasing (eg phone verification, UPI strikes, postage location the seller won't usually send to), the seller can add your eBay ID to their Blocked Bidder Exemption List, accessible in the same section as the BBL.
If the seller does either of these and you still can't bid / purchase, then it would be an eBay technical issue (getting them to A) recognise it and B) do something about it is often difficult). Also, be prepared for the odd seller to say they can't remove the block when what they really mean is that they won't. If the seller says that but offers you no alternative to work around the issue (and I don't mean off-eBay sales, but other options they may be able to suggest), then I would presume they aren't highly interested in the sale, for whatever reason, and move on.
on โ14-03-2014 06:51 PM
Michelle, you asked the same question back at the beginning of February.
I suggest you go back and read the answers in that thread...they are still applicable today.
on โ14-03-2014 09:03 PM
โ14-03-2014 09:13 PM - edited โ14-03-2014 09:14 PM
And you expect different answers this time. You do know the definition of stupidity, don't you?
Lyndal isn't alone. A lot of us remember why you would be getting this response from sellers. And more to come in a similar vein, doubtless.
on โ14-03-2014 09:57 PM
have you considered that the seller may just be telling you they have tried to remove the block when in actual fact they have not because they do not want to sell to you?
Telling you they tried is a soft way of saying "I am not selling to you" without having to say "I will not sell to you".
Move on, find another seller.
on โ14-03-2014 11:25 PM - last edited on โ15-03-2014 12:00 AM by gewens
@michellebartley wrote:
Lyndal I decided to ask again. I suggest with your type of inanimate replys you contact the people in charge of the forum if you're upset about it and dont complain to me. If you cant take the heat stay out of the kitchen. And you have a marvellous memory.
What a reply to a perfectly factual answer to your question.
It does not take much of a memory to look up the posts you have made previously, particularly when it is the same question. The same posters are answering this thread too, so the answers are sure to be the same.
I am not sure what gives you the idea that I am upset at you asking the question again or that I am complaining to you.
But I do know that I am not about to give you a detailed answer to your question when it is in the first thread anyway.
I suspect that this thread will see you being unable to bid on a few more seller's auctions.
โ14-03-2014 11:41 PM - edited โ14-03-2014 11:44 PM
@lyndal1838 wrote:Michelle, you asked the same question back at the beginning of February.
I suggest you go back and read the answers in that thread...they are still applicable today.
just to help those who are not entirely familiar with how to find past threads by posters . . . . . . . . here is the thread that lyndal is referring to:
You will see that some of the info provided in this thread is common to both threads. Some of the replies to the original thread make for interesting reading in my opinion. Well worth a read . . . . . especially if you are a seller!!!!!
on โ15-03-2014 12:59 PM
@michellebartley wrote:
If a seller puts a block on a buyer how do you get a seller to remove the block from the ebay site. I asked a seller and they said that they tried to remove it but werent able to. Do I have to ask ebay myself to do this? What do I do can anyone help.
MICHELLE - Getting back to your original question, Re-reading it, you may be asking how to get your blocks removed from the entire ebay site, rather than just individual sellers. Short answer is you cant. If you have two or more unpaid strikes in a set period of time ( usually 6-12 months ) you will be blocked by all ebay sellers who have blocks in place for this criteria. Many will have an extra block so that you can not even contact them to recieve an exemption from the sales block. You will just need to ensure you pay for all purchases promptly in future and over a 6-12 month period, the blocks will automatically no longer apply ( and no longer affect you ). Individuals who have added your name to thier Blocked Bidder list manually are unlikly to ever remove them. ( I know I never do ) , But there are millions of other sellers to buy from. ( and NO you are not on my manual blocked bidder list. I save this for the people who really give me trouble in my own personel businesses, only around a dozen names all up ) . As others have noted, every seller has there own requirements for BBL ( including responses of people to the forums, networking with other sellers etc. ) and it is thier choice who they will or wont deal with. If your account has not been phone verified this can be a reason for blocks. You can contact customer support and ask them to walk you through the verification process to have this block removed on entire ebay site. These are the two most common reasons for blocks but there are others. Non payment of purchases is a huge problem for many sellers, causing unwanted stress , work and financial inconvenience. Blocks are the only protection ebay offers sellers against non payment of purchases. If you have been caught up in this, just put it down to experience, pay for all future purchases promptly and over 6-12 months the problem will go away for you and you can resume buying as per normal.