Buyer Requests Post Sale...

Community Member

Hello, just wondering the buyer rights to leave nagative feedback due to a post slae request etc...


Basically, twice now i have sold the two of the same items (two seperated auctions) and when the buyer pays ofr the item, they are requesting the item to be double boxed.


I have responded to the buyer that double boxing will not be possible as it would then drive the international postage way higher then quoted. I have given the buyer the oppertunity to let me know if they wanted a refund on the item and suggested that these sort of requests should be discussed and agreed prior to auction end. I got no relpy for a few days so just sent the item as i would have normally otherwise risking potential negative ffedback for late postage.


Now they have purchased a second it of the same and also requested the same "double boxing". Again, i have sent the same message/option but due to the fact they have already paid (payPal), what should i be doing here?


Any sugestions greatly appreciated!

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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

In this situation, I'd write something like the following:

Thank you for your message. To keep the international shipping cost reasonable to you, double boxing isn't possible for this item.

However, I do take great care to ensure items are well protected for transit, and will pack yours carefully to minimise the chance of it being damaged.


Take some pics of the item carefully packed inside the box before sealing it shut, and again of the carton prior to sending.


View solution in original post

Message 7 of 7
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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

You have no obligation to meet the buyer's demand, as you're right that this sort of thing needs to be discussed and arranged prior to the sale (well, technically, it can still be discussed and agreed post-sale, but very few sellers are inclined to agree to additional costs without the opportunity to account for those costs).


Is it the same buyer? There are quite a few who have a standard message they send to all sellers. eg I once had something listed as B-grade and explained that the items had some oxidisation that was visible, along with suggestions on removing it if desired.'


Had a buyer purchase some and leave a note with the order telling me to pick out the best ones to send and making sure they were all in perfect condition etc. I messaged them and explained my listing to them directly, and their reply was to say they sent that message to sellers with every single order. Smiley Indifferent (This is just one of the reasons I removed the option for buyers to leave a note with their order. People think it's ok to make demands or leave instructions that normally you'd need to ask / pay for). 


Anyway, I digress a bit... Smiley Embarassed 


I send buyers like this a message, stating that I can accomodate their request for $x additional, which can be arranged through a custom listing that they can purchase. I then advise that since they had made a special request, I am unable to post their item according to their specifications unless and until the additional purchase and payment is made, so if they would prefer the order be cancelled instead, to please let me know. I also state that (because I am obliged to post items within my handling time) if I can not confirm their preference by X date (last day of my handling time) the order will be automatically cancelled (I always follow through on  this, too).


This message makes them get in contact, or makes them passively agree to cancellation if they don't reply. If they reply, you will be able to gauge whether they are being unreasonable and demanding something they are not entitled to (and have a record accessible by eBay of that), or if they'll recognise that they need to pay for what they want and either cough up the funds, or advise you to send normally, which again gives you a record of them agreeing to the services offered. It puts the ball in their court, and provides you with options when the buyer attempts to dictate their own. 


Most of the time buyers message back and just tell me to do what the original listing says etc, some never reply and I cancel their orders (selecting either buyer asked to cancel, since I take no reply as passive withdrawl, or something wrong with their address as the reason). Occasionally they'll pay extra for what they want. Never had anyone argue with me or insist on their terms 🙂 

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

Just thought I'd add...


You could take the opposite tactic, too. That is, rather than saying you'll cancel if no reply received, you'll send as per the listing, with your standard packaging, so you'd take no reply as passive agreement to that term. 

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

A buyer can leave negative feedback for any reason or none. Depending on how it is worded it might be subject to removal, but I wouldn't bank on it.


As this is obviously hypothetical, worry about it if it happens.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

Thanks for the feedback! Yes - same buyer so it "could" be an automated reply - but not sure as it was specific to the item. Yes - bit of a mind field 😞
Message 5 of 7
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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

Yes - understand that bit of it. My concern is that as I am a new "seller", PayPal/eBay are holding funds until things go through smoothly so was more concerned about that aspect 🙂

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Buyer Requests Post Sale...

In this situation, I'd write something like the following:

Thank you for your message. To keep the international shipping cost reasonable to you, double boxing isn't possible for this item.

However, I do take great care to ensure items are well protected for transit, and will pack yours carefully to minimise the chance of it being damaged.


Take some pics of the item carefully packed inside the box before sealing it shut, and again of the carton prior to sending.

Message 7 of 7
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