Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

Hi, Is it just me or has anybody else noticed that a lot of people lately are paying for each item seperately rather than waiting for a combined invoice??

I even had an instance where I have sent a combined invoice and they have somehow still paid for each item individualy.


This bugs me in a so many ways;-


I cannot discount postage when people make multiple purchases.


I often find that I post an order and the same afternoon or evening they buy something else.


Paypal charges 30 cents for each seperate transaction.


I have to print out a seperate picking slip/invoice for each item.


I even have a request under the Postage costs asking;-

"If you are buying more than one item please wait for me to send a combined invoice before paying"


Is this a problem caused by the EBAY "APPS" for phones etc.??

Any suggestions or do I just need a stiff drink of Gin and Cement and harden up.


Message 1 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

I can't see where the OP has said that is the only thing in their life that isn't perfect?


"glass half full" implies that you think you are an optimist but shooting someone down just cause you don't think their problem is worthy of a whinge is not really being very positive, its just being narky

Message 11 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

I recently did a test on this myself, I went in and purchased a few item via the mobile phone eBay app. boy was  it a pain.....when you purchase the 1st item., a red warning thing comes up on the screen

**You have not paid for this item**

This warning comes up on every item you buy, it also brings up the screen with payment options on is a challenge to get out of that screen to get back to the sellers store to purchase more.

Then when the seller sends a combined invoice and you go to pay this message comes up on the screen

You can't pay for this item with eBay Mobile because this item is contained in a multi item order.....please pay for this order on the eBay website....

***OK** (button)

Basically the APP will not allow you to pay on combined invoices, and it more or less forces buyers to pay on each item as they buy...

Message 12 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

If having issues like that on the phone app then it is easy to resolve.

With the iphone click on safari and go to you ebay account and select classic and you can access ebay the same as you would on the PC.

Message 13 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

If having issues like that on the phone app then it is easy to resolve.

With the iphone click on safari and go to you ebay account and select classic and you can access ebay the same as you would on the PC.



If it is so easy to resolve then maybe you would let eBay know how to rectify the problem.


A lot of smart phones use the Android operating system and the eBay App for Androids is so flawed that it would be easier to rewrite the App than debug it.


Changing from mobile to classic view is easier said than done and due to the fact that eBay encourage members to download the app then surely it is reasonable to expect it to work.


The app is not designed to be used in classic mode but maybe a warning message pop-up frequently telling users to change to classic view because the app isn't working properly would be useful.

Message 14 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

Anybody using the Android (and presumably iPhone) app would soon realise it's useless. If I want to do something on my phone, I get the mobile eBay up, then go to 'Classic' from there. Unfortunately you can't get the website directly from the app.

I only keep mine because it makes a great sound when I sell something.

Message 15 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???



If all one has to worry/vent about is paying an extra 30c or printing out another label then what a wonderful life to have.


So following that train of thought perhaps there should be a rule here that no-one vents unless it's of profound significance.  🙂

Message 16 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

Community Member



If all one has to worry/vent about is paying an extra 30c or printing out another label then what a wonderful life to have.


So following that train of thought perhaps there should be a rule here that no-one vents unless it's of profound significance



To the OP - it may well have been of profound significance, they were only asking a question after all, somehow it got lost a l ong the way

Message 17 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???



Flotsam I agree.  The comment I made was tongue in cheek. 

Message 18 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

Community Member

I don't know much about ebay yet but phones yes... You can select 'classic' or 'view full page/standard site/etc' from any page and one would presume it would be the natural reaction to having problems with an app. Unfortunately people don't take the time to stop and think.

I agree it looks like *sparkz* made a tongue-in-cheek comment that one should be grateful for any sales (especially multiples- and believe me it is VERY hard in the 'regular' business sector ATM) and she was misinterpreted in the negative stance. no biggie.

Message 19 of 24
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Re: Buyers Paying seperately rather than combining???

Community Member

Sorry bright.ton.....mist it, new to this 🙂

Message 20 of 24
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