Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

Community Member

Im really over buyers who bid and win an item or buy it now and THEN complain that the postage is too high or tell me how i should send it to make it economical.


Last time i checked I knew how to package stuff. I really wish buyers would check that they are ok with the set postage listed before they buy something. I get people who pay and then i list the item as sent and then they ask for express two days later complaining they needed the item asap. Honestly, selling on ebay used to be fun and easy. People like this need to get off ebay.

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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

Community Member

Yeah customers don't have the right to complain about postage, and considering ebay says you can charge as much as you see fit for your handling i honestly don't get why the hell ebay even made postage feedback an option to begin with.


For a smart bunch of now rich cookies whom made this site, they did not go over it with a fine tooth comb very well


No you CANNOT charge whatever you like...I suggest you familiarise yourself with ebay policy and stop giving incorrect advice...

Message 21 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

Community Member

IMO OP for $20 I would expect registered postage and not regular.

Message 22 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

Thank you Rumplebear - thought I was the only one who had noticed the many incorrect advice given by a certain poster here.

don't take life too's not permanent
Message 23 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

Yes the lack of maturity is disappointing.  I do not charge for packing which includes top quality chips, bubble wrap etc, double boxing; post in 1- 3 days but usually same day and only charge APO fees. Guess what?  A few have rated less than '5' on "Postage and Packing''. So I am now using Gumtree and Quokka again as when I get this behaviour at least I don't cop the fees for the hassles!

Message 24 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

If I were to reaffirm my postage costs in some way, I'd be more inclined to have something like "My postage costs are firm, non-negotiable and include all costs of packaging and sending your item safely".

I wish this thread had come up about two weeks ago so I could've borrowed that line 🙂

I had a buyer who bid on the first day of a 10 day listing. He won it, but before he paid he complained about the postage cost. He had 10 days to email, better yet email before bidding.

It was an item that went for over AU$50 and, by default, all my listings that amount and over go by Registered Post worldwide, no exceptions.

He reckoned I could easily post it for standard air for $3 at most. Otherwise he said he'd cancel the transaction. He had 10 days to retract, email me, or even not bid at all X-(

It's the first time in a long time that I've had a buyer try to dictate terms after winning.

The postage cost was $13.50 Int'l Reg Post. Aus Post price is $13.20 but what I send can't go unprotected.

So, now I've started adding in another couple of words to my listings, basically to email with questions before bidding/purchase. Might not make a difference, but it's there now.

Message 25 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

Thankfully, I'm yet to experience any quibble over my postage prices; before of after purchase (I did have one buyer query the $25 quote for international registered parcel, but I simply offered to forward the link to Aus Post's website where the quote came from and the buyer declined, purchased and paid), though I've heard of buyers taking issue with as little as 10c over the cost of stamps 😮

ghost, were you looking over my shoulder as I typed in my post?


Message 26 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

I do not charge for packing which includes top quality chips, bubble wrap etc, double boxing; post in 1- 3 days but usually same day and only charge APO fees

More fool you then, I charge for all my packaging materials and a handling fee too and my stars are above the ebay average which is all I am bothered about. I don't expect any buyer to give me 5 stars for anything unless they think I am doing things better than the average seller. I  don't actually care what star rating they give me, I don't sell on ebay to collect stars or coloured dots lol.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 27 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it



As a buyer though I have to say I am influenced by feedback, the coloured dots, and the stars.  If there is a fair amount of competition for what I am looking for very often the feedback will make the decision for me on who to bid with.  . 

Re postage, I have just received an item that is top quality and was not over-priced , and the packaging is superb with layers of bubblewrap, , from overseas.  The postage was free.  I will shop there again. 

Message 28 of 29
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Re: Buyers complaining about postage AFTER they pay it

The OP would be FAR better off using Calculated Postage. That way the majority of buyers would get quoted a cheaper rate, rather than the "worst case".



Message 29 of 29
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