Can't find my listings

I have over 100 active listings on eBay all these are can't see and can't search by name and even by item numbers.  Also you can see my eBay shop, there is a message "all products are sold out" . I have contacted eBay and they said there is nothing problem with my account (not restricted) but cannot search and see. 


Is there anyone have same problem and who have solved this?


ebay stores.png



Message 1 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

For me, it is showing as no listings and nothing in the shop either, all 'sold out'.


There is definitely a problem with the account if they are not meant to be restricted.


Twyngwyn is right-ask for a refund on store charges or whatever.


If ebay is charging the normal fees, they need to let all the items show without restriction. If they are restricting them for some reason, then they should be stopping fees for the moment. They can't have it both ways.


Are you able to send ebay a screenshot of what comes up?

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

Listings must be visible to quite a few people (not me though)


A fair number of sales in the last few days.


With a 2 day handling time, I hope the OP is on to them.

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

@eol-products wrote:

Sorry not sure what you are trying to say if you could please elaborate a bit more that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

maybe due to seller standards & how they 'penalise us.' I don't know?? They are able to hide listings....


Seller standards policy | eBay

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

@imastawka wrote:

Listings must be visible to quite a few people (not me though)


A fair number of sales in the last few days.


Repeat buyers maybe Stawks ?


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 14 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

Hi Stawks,  The OP has a number of offers/promotions running, which is probably where the sales are being generated.

Message 15 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

eBay often has a bug where listings can't be displayed, but it's usually just a specific one or a few.  Check to see if any infringing/illegal products are banned, which will result in your store being unable to see any products for a period of time.

Message 16 of 17
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Re: Can't find my listings

@eol-products wrote:

Try a new listing and see if it comes up. I have had listings that sold out and when I added more quantity they never appeared in searches no matter what I did.

Dude this exact thing happened to us 3 weeks ago, took them 17 days to resolve. Absolute joke. I had a listing with 1,400 sold and it would not show up. But if I listed a "similar item" (exact same) showed up within 5 mins. The blamed listing caching etc. "takes more time 24h+" which is not true when you are an established seller.

Also on another note, OP do you have any restrictions/ suspensions? Usually that's the case, Product violations, etc.

Message 17 of 17
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