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Cancellation & feedback?


Sold an item a while ago for pick up. The buyer's communications have been brief & poor, though paid by Paypal. I have twice organised a pick up to be let down  (& greatly inconvenienced) - the first time with no communication, the second time with a  brief "you can keep the bedhead" (?)

I gave the option to cancell the first time but she went ahead a & paid, (or claimed she did, which she didn't untill I contacted her again).


Question is - if I initiate a cancellation is feedback possible on either side? I'm a bit nervous due to the communications if she can leave feedback (she put at the end of her details of her being a solicitor)


Message 1 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

its under $100  its  28 days   cq stated abandard goods must be at least 3 to 6 months  not there cost , read sec 20 stawka .



Message 11 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

We can argue if ya like.  

I read section 20,  and I read NSW Fair Trading's interpretation of the act


If it's $100 -    is it under or over $100?


The act reads - up to $100

then $100 - $500



edit: and what do you mean ' not their cost'

What else would you base it on?

Message 12 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

for a start i am not having a go at you , i am replying to the person that had a go at me.

he states   3 to 6 months before an item can be declared abandard ,   which is not true , i stated 30 days , and he is calling me whatever , the seller has declared about $ 10 fee so prob $99 would be  the price .

maybe if he stated 1 to 3 months ,then technicly he would be right. .

i have used this on 4 times and give 30 days notice ,the same time posted here a few months ago.    thank you

Message 13 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

OK, but the sellers sold listings state the bed head was sold for $100 - not $99

Message 14 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

if you read the post it states after you have tryed  even phoned or emailed   then you can email them , which you must then give them 30 days notice,  

i wait until after 60 day on ebay then the it comes of the sellers page then proceed with a 30 day .  , which cq  will find its the proper way of doing it.     now that you have all this time maybe read a few law books ,   and if you read back on thee posts thats what it says. 


joethenuts, you are not talking in the correct spirit of the ebay discussion rules & guidelines, there is no need to be so condescending to other posters.  cq_tech was just refreshing your Legal memory, ...from memory.


Gee joe, if l had 17 litres of cream paint that should have been white paint that you sold me, and had not picked it up after paying you, would you resell my cream/white stripped paint as well ?  30 days after, it might have changed colour again, who knows ?


What does the joethenuts Law Book say ????   Page, Chapter, Verse,  please, thank you joethenuts.  Cat Embarassed



Message 15 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

 Oh, common joe, take a chill pill and move on in the day.

Message 16 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

My spidey senses are tingling......................I'm homing in..................

Message 17 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

for a start read my post  it says  i wait until it goes off the ebay boards which is 60 days  then proceed to contact again the buyer then i must give 30 days but i do it for 30 notice so in total its about 100 days, 

no2 , what gives cq to state i have told porkys and that i can be reported to the moderator for telling untruths.  even ehen i was right.

all he had to say even if he did not know the price was .. yes joe is correct but only if the item wad $100 or under ,over that amount then its a 3 month wait.  instead he attacks me ,with saying at least 3 months for an unclaimed item.   now i will wait for an apoligie from c q , 

Message 18 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

wow we have a new member been on ebay for 1 day , great to see you ,   but what a silly fello i am i dont talk to non buyers or sellers  sorry

Message 19 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

New to the boards Joe.....not new to ebay by any stretch of the imagination.

But then we all know you refuse to acknowledge posting IDs.

Message 20 of 51
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