on โ26-01-2016 09:57 AM
Hi I contacted ebay after my item sold because the winning bidder came from overseas, and I don't post overseas. The buyer has not paid and I contacted him to let him know that he did not fulfill the rquirements for postage. I am now waiting on him to verify that he hasn't paid. Am I allowed to relist the item now or do I have to wait. Thank you
on โ26-01-2016 10:02 AM
You need to cancel the transaction, then for reason select " Primary address in an area you dont post to "
on โ26-01-2016 11:39 AM
In future, after 4 days, open a non paying dispute. Then got back 4 days later and close it. It's a lot less fussing around than a cancellation. Plus, if the buyer is disgruntled, they may well trash your feedback. Closing an non paying dispute prevents them from leaving feedback.
on โ26-01-2016 11:46 AM
To prevent it happening again go to your buyer preferences and block members with a delivery address you do not post to.