on โ16-07-2016 08:54 AM
Hello i listed my car but it didnt sell, (and it is not in unsold items )and i cant find the draft does this mean i have to relist the whole add again with pics if so what a pain
on โ16-07-2016 05:36 PM
WOW Stalks, on the relist it's free postage........................wot a bargain................
on โ16-07-2016 05:57 PM
Awww geez.
on โ17-07-2016 09:54 PM
Free post with AP? If I buy it, I hope my delivery guy doesn't safe drop it. I'm worried some low life might steal it from my front door. I wonder if I paid an extra $2.95 if the OP would send it SOD for me, so I have to go to the PO to pick it up?