Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)
Community Member

This thread is to discuss the Changes coming soon to



These changes include:

Enhanced functionality for multi-variation listings

Show your item location to increase buyer confidence

Greater 'Item Condition' clarity for buyers

Share your listings through your social network

Changes to Basic and Featured Store subscriptions


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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Ausfast - I was just going to mention NZ's site, it is pretty successful. Not many kiwis buy from here. I sell the odd item to NZ, but from my website.


For those of you who want to have your own website, it is easier than you think. There are some fabulous providers of good software and services that are very reasonably priced.


I run my store here and my website and both do OK. it is hard work, but well worth it - or at least it has been for me so far.

Message 221 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Yep, I am over the lies.:-(

Must say I have not seen this many upset sellers in my time selling here.

If they just cut the constant take and quick money grab and tried to genuinely work with sellers, we would sell more and they would make more.

Seems fees are always going up and the service etc getting worse.

Case in point.

Not a question here answered, they made a commitment to answer our concerns. More lies and lack of concern.

Very disappointed eBay.

I am going to give the others another go.:-D

Message 222 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

For those of you who want to have your own website, it is easier than you think. There are some fabulous providers of good software and services that are very reasonably priced.

I run my store here and my website and both do OK. it is hard work, but well worth it - or at least it has been for me so far.

Creating the website is the easy part that I'm sure most people are capable of doing. Getting enough traffic there is another story.

Ebay is a method of getting your businesses name out there so they do kind of go hand in hand in the begininning.

Good on you for doing your own website and working hard to make it sucessful. I've really wanted to do my own for a long time but haven't had the time.

I would agree with you in that it would be worth your time because it is something that you own and can be proud of. You are your own boss, you set your own rules on YOUR website. It is a product of your success that you can improve and expand.

Having an ebay "business" these days is almost like working as an employee of ebay. The big faceless ebay logo is your manager, they decide your fate, the rules and how you do your job as an ebay seller.

They could suspend or fire you from your "job" at any moment if they wish. Afterall you are working to make them sucessful in the end. Your ebay account could be closed tomorrow and they wouldn't blink an eyelid.

Message 223 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Community Member

I am in the same position, selling handmade items that are not big ticket items and therefore bring very little profit.  The changes to the Basic Store fees have made it necessary for me to close my store as I would end up going backwards financially, not even covering my costs by the time you factor in Paypal charges as well.

On top of all that....when I closed my store all my listings were ended and I had to relist them all again! Ok, the first 30 listings in the month are free, but I have more than that to relist and I am being charged again for listings that I had already paid for.

Very disappointed ebay 😞

Message 224 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

It appears to me that the state of things on ebay in Australia at the moment really disadvantage the "not quite professional - but serious enough seller", those sellers who make and sell the most interesting of objects!.


Shame they couldn't have made the free listings double - say 60, with annual sales of say $10,000, it would at least encourage the smaller, but serious sellers of home made and interesting items to stay around.


In my own view, it is just those types of sellers with those interesting and unique items that makes ebay what it is today.


I will be truly sad not to be buying them from here any more because most of you are moving on - and honestly I don't blame you and will be looking for your unique items where I am sure you will go!!


I will hang in for a while, strangely enough I have just had the best month on record, so for me it would be foolish to quit. When I consider that September 2011 was my worst month on record - who knows what will happen in the future.


So I wish all those who have gone elsewhere the best of luck, see you over there!


And to EBay if you are looking. It is so very dissappointing that you haven't gone through these posts and answered the rational and important questions that have been put to you.

Message 225 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Yes they are reading beacause I just got an email about my last post, so be carefull what you say guys.

Message 226 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Yes they are reading beacause I just got an email about my last post, so be carefull what you say guys.

Was you post removed and you were told norti you?

If that is what is was then someone reported your post and it was removed by the moderators nothing to do with the powers that be reading the comments here.

Message 227 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Hi sparklz, yes you are correct, post was removed & email told me to read the discussion board policy. I didnt think I said anything that was bad. oh well

Message 228 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Dont we have Freedom of speech any longer?

Australians are free, within the bounds of the law, to say or write what we think privately or publicly, about the government, or about any topic. We do not censor the media and may criticise the government without fear of arrest.

Ebay Ebay Ebay....what are you doing?
Removing someones post because YOU don't like what they are saying is UNAUSTRALIAN

Message 229 of 260
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Re: Changes coming soon to (14/08/2012)

Community Member

Ummm .... Since when has ebay (or for that matter) ever resembled anything like being "Australian" .... ??




Message 230 of 260
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