on 01-03-2023 01:53 AM
I'm a little over the expense of Promoted listings on Ebay, especially with this new change:
"We’ll be expanding what we qualify and report as an Attributed Sale for Promoted Listings Standard to include when a buyer clicks on one of your Standard ads and then purchases any of your Promoted Listings Standard items within 30 days."
This implies that if I've promoted a listing at a rate of 20% which a buyer clicks or likes, then the buyer buys a different one I promoted at 2%, I get charged 20%. Obviously, I would be selecting advertising rates that are appropriate for different products, but this change would seem to make that irrelevant. I've had a look at the T&C but as it's about a mile long of turgid contract speak and the important details are of course omitted from the email announcement, I can't figure it out.
When you're selling in volume, promoted listings are almost a necessity on Ebay and this has gotten worse with time. It seems to me that the percentage used to scale somewhat more linearly with the advertising percentage, but now it seems there is a minimum effective percentage you need before you really get any sales boost worth mentioning.
I don't mind paying for prime spots, but I *do* mind that this translates into rather massive additional fees. Undoubtedly this is manipulated by Ebay to maximise the fees, since Ebay is not transparent regarding the method of bidding (probably one area there needs to be more regulation around).
By comparison, I also sell on Amazon and can spend a much smaller and reasonable amount and see a decent return on my advertising spend. I only see a similar boost in sales on Ebay if I literally pour money into Promoted listings.
At the end of the day, if I have to decimate my margin to get sales, I'll have to scale back on Ebay and focus on other marketplaces.
Not happy about this.
on 01-03-2023 04:01 AM
I am not sure what your question is for other members, but if eBay is not for you, you are obviously far better off to sell on whatever site works best for you for the fees you are happy with
on 01-03-2023 08:48 AM - last edited on 01-03-2023 12:30 PM by valcampi-77
OP, I completely agree. These new Promoted Listing terms are an absolute scam. If a buyer clicks on one of your promoted listings, and then at any time in the next 30 days buys ANY of your items, promoted or not, you get charged the promoted rate from the initial listing they clicked on. Further, they have now included clicking on the heart icon as part of the program. Meaning if a buyer simply clicks on the heart next to your listing in the search result, and doesn't even go into he listing, that now counts as a promoted purchase if they buy. And again, if they buy ANY of your other items in the next 30 days, this also counts as promoted. It's an absolute rip off.
09:04 AM
- last edited on
12:54 PM
It was a simple. factual comment
eBay do not read here (IF the OP was wanting to express their opinion to eBay)
If eBay is not the right place to sell, sell on the place that is right (goes for any seller)
on 02-03-2023 01:17 PM
on 03-03-2023 11:14 AM
Thanks OP, this is very informative. I received the email and suspected some fee increase, but this is quite substantial. Another cash grab from greedbay