Copped my first Negative...

Well, it's finally happened, I copped my first negative in over 7 years selling on eBay.


Called Customer Service to see if I can get the negative removed and was no help at all, stating that the buyer was reflecting on his experience.


Negative feed back remark was "This was not even full! Cant believe i paid $7 for this."


My listing states Super Lube Mini 2cc but henry who loves his jesus christ expected the tube to be full, I contacted henry to see if he could tell me how many Millilitres (2cc = 2ml) was in his tube but I doubt that I will get a response.


The only recommendation that Customer Service suggested was to revise my listing, I tried to point out that if she bought a bottle of softdrink there would be air in the bottle as well as the softdrink but this wouldn't indicate that the bottle held less than the required amount of softdrink in the bottle, but this fell on deaf ears.


Now to think up a follow up reply...


2cc + H20 = Fool







Message 1 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

for someone with an ID like that, he is extraordinarily lacking in Christian charity.

Message 11 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

Well, Henry got back to me and here is his reply


"I promise to God I have not use it yet because my airbrush nozzle and needle is broken/bend so I'm waiting to get parts from China. And it hasn't arrive yet so I bought a new airbrush for a back up. Look at the picture i send. It's been in the tray for weeks. "


Henry didn't answer my question on whether there was 2ml (2cc) of lube in the tube, but judging from his photo is consistent with the amount of Lube that should be there...


Anyways, as mentioned earlier by Harley Babes,  I can't please everyone and will move on from this, Henry is now on my BBL.




Message 12 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

'for someone with an ID like that, he is extraordinarily lacking in Christian charity.'


Indeed. That username alone would've had me groaning 'oh firetruck, here we go'.


Sorry you copped this OP. Make sure to draft your feedback response then wait overnight, and review in the morning before submitting. I find that's the best way to keep it succinct and not let rip and stick the boot in (tempting as it is).

Message 13 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

Just playing devil's advocate for a minute here.......


In the photo in the listing, it appears that the tube is full of liquid.  If the tube he received shows airspace at the top of the tube, he probably thinks it is not as full as it should be and assumes he has been ripped off.


Of course, it is just as possible that the buyer is a twerp!



Message 14 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

@ambercat16 wrote:

Just playing devil's advocate for a minute here.......


In the photo in the listing, it appears that the tube is full of liquid.  If the tube he received shows airspace at the top of the tube, he probably thinks it is not as full as it should be and assumes he has been ripped off.


Of course, it is just as possible that the buyer is a twerp!



It looks like the tube is laying on its side. It looks like the air bubble is under the product name. Just my observation! 

Message 15 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

I don't think Henry is the sharpest tool in the shed.


109 products sold and no other complaints, it speaks for itself really.

Message 16 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

"I promise to God ........" that's just creepy

Message 17 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

Well, Henry got back to me and here is his reply


"I promise to God I have not use it yet because my airbrush nozzle and needle is broken/bend so I'm waiting to get parts from China. And it hasn't arrive yet so I bought a new airbrush for a back up. Look at the picture i send. It's been in the tray for weeks. "


Henry didn't answer my question on whether there was 2ml (2cc) of lube in the tube, but judging from his photo is consistent with the amount of Lube that should be there...


Anyways, as mentioned earlier by Harley Babes,  I can't please everyone and will move on from this, Henry is now on my BBL.



Henry is obviously concerned you think he used some of it & I would say he is telling the truth that he has 'not used it yet'.


I guess your main reply to him should be to swear to God you never opened it or used any either and that the way it looks is perfectly normal, all tubes have a small amount of air at the top, similar to the space at the top of soft drink bottles, sauce bottles etc but nevertheless he would find it still contained the full 2ml as advertised & is a brand new, unopened item.


In the photo, I have to admit it did look like it was full to the brim but I would guess that is because it was lying on its side. I am wondering if the one Henry got wasn't quite as full looking when on its side, so he is feeling his sample wasn't as good as the one in the photo.


Whatever.. it should be obvious to him it was unopened. This is a man who makes mountains out of molehills and feels it is his god given duty to report the slightest hiccups. I noticed that even one of the positives he gave was about a quick refund.


Very high standards, has our Henry!! Smiley Frustrated

Message 18 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

Tippy toes, you are correct the photo was taken when the tube was on it's side and does contain an Air bubble.


Elusiveeditions, I'm actually going to leave the feeback for a few days, I recieved a message from Henry last night


"I still cant believe i spend about $6 on this... This should be $1 not 3"


springyzone,  Henry is certainly one that should be on sellers BBL, Henry has admitted that he damaged his Nozzle and bent his Needle but the seller copped a negative "Bad at setting up for warranty. Won't give me my replacements for broken parts" , Needle and Nozzles are consumables that aren't covered by warranty... He paid $29.90 for a Chinese Airbrush , bent the needle and damaged the nozzle getting it out and tried hitting the seller for replacement parts. Then goes and buys a different Cheap Airbursh from the same seller... that's my theory at least.




Message 19 of 35
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Re: Copped my first Negative...

hi hidi  thank you for letting the rest know to stay clear of this buyer as even if you sent him a quarts amount he would not be happy and give a bad feedback, also i like the way your page is setup .

but what ebay said has some good advice  your discription , i am afraid not everybody knows what 2cc means ,its not widely used compared to mils, so it would be easier to put down mils, so everybody knows , no diferent to me putting mils down instead of quarts ,when not many people would know what a quarts is. 

another problem that could help is , if you did not know what 2cc means and saw on the photo what looks to be 10 mil , you would asume 2cc=10mil. maybe show the 2mil picture insread of the looks like the 10 mil picture.. 


Message 20 of 35
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