on โ28-06-2012 02:31 PM
I would like to share my thoughts in regards to the feedback, or more importantly the DSR (detailed seller ratings).I'm a top rated seller and have been for some time. I don't support this program and I will list the reasons why:Computer generated system of DSR rating, or the stars includes the following:
Item as described - I wander how can one rate the description as neither accurate, or inaccurate. It is either accurate, on inaccurate.Postage and handling charges - these are clear right from the beginning of the listing to all the buyers to see and decide whether is affordable for them. So to have this option as a 5 star rating is completely outrages. Buyers don't have to bid, if they don't agree with the postal charges.
Communication - It is very important to communicate from both ends. This rating should also be removed as it simple to express how you feel in your feedback.Postage time - Sellers have no control over how long it takes for the item to reach its destination. So, once another ridicules optionthat forms DSR rating.
Filling the DSR ratings is also subject to an error, simple human error which occurs all the time.It is also a subject to malicious manipulation. I don't say this lightly, but it has happened to me before.Also if the buyer happens to be disgruntled about the item description, or postal charges they are likely to give you a low score on all 4.
I strongly feel that ebay should go back to the old way of operating, when the sellers simply sold stuff and this level of competitionwas not as evident as it is now.Also there is no protection here for the seller, once when item is sold if it has not been paid for. You have an option of starting an unpaid item strike.This is complete nonsense, as if the buyer was going to pay, they would pay anyway. I not only sell, but also buy from my ebay account.I have never left anyone a negative feedback as I have on most occasions resolved my issues with the seller. This tool (negative feedback)that is only available for a buyer should also change and only became an option if all the other measures have failed.
Please feel free to post your thoughts and thank you for reading!
on โ28-06-2012 03:01 PM
I think you will find that most sellers are disgruntled with the whole DSR system for one reason or another.
My biggest problem is that it is anonymous. It is suppose to reflect how the seller runs his/her business, and guide the seller to help improve on shortfalls...which cant be done if you don't know where the problem exists to start with.
Also the fact that they cant be changed once left. Recently had a buyer leave me 1's for all four - one of the many known problems with iphone apps - it was suppose to be 5's. Ebay couldnt change the ratings at all, all they could do was totally remove the whole feedback and DSR ratings.
Definitely a flawed system.
By the way, postage time refers to how long the item took to post after payment cleared, not how long it the took to then arrive.
on โ28-06-2012 04:50 PM
Also the fact that they cant be changed once left.
Not true, the buyer can revise it if you send them FB revision request. Of-course, they must want to change it.
on โ28-06-2012 05:01 PM
Not true, the buyer can revise it if you send them FB revision request. Of-course, they must want to change it.
How do you figure that one out, when they left a positive feedback. How do you revise a positive feedback?
Ebay rang me (yes, surprised me too! ๐ ) after buyer contacted them, and advised me the only way i could get the 1's removed was to fully remove the feedback as DSR's couldnt be changed.
on โ28-06-2012 05:10 PM
Not true, the buyer can revise it if you send them FB revision request. Of-course, they must want to change it.
You can send a feedback revision if the FB was a neg or neut, but if it was a positive and all 1 stars by mistake, a feedback revision can't be sent.
I don't have too much of a problem with the DRS system in itself, but some of the things asociated with make it flawed, IMO, particularly how small the margin is that allows for low ratings before it not only affects a seller's search standing, but their capacity to sell entirely - I'd like, at the very least, some sort of accountability in place when just a couple of members can affect someone's business so drastically - it's a general overview of buyer impressions, not valid evidence of poor performance, yet it is treated as such.
An item description can be neither accurate nor innacurate if there wasn't actually a description - I see listings like that often in media categories, where all the seller has done is list the item with the eBay item specifics.
on โ28-06-2012 06:30 PM
Digital Ghost, you have a great point their on DSR's and the tiny amount of room to move for a buyer, I think it is 3 - 1 star ratings on any of the categories and you're out. It is stressful for most sellers.
The postage time star is probably the most abused of all, I think most buyers look at the total time to receive (in fact I am sure of that looking at my own DSR) I never take more than one working day to post, yet I have a couple of 1 star ratings on that - so just one more and I'm out for something I have no control over.
The next is probably postage cost. I never charge more than $1.00 packaging and handling - yet I have copped low stars here too.
I think ebay needs to allow some room as digital ghost suggests for innacurate/accidental/malicious use of DSR ratings.
It soon becomes apparent from consistent bad performance just in feedback to pick the good and bad sellers.
on โ28-06-2012 07:45 PM
Yes the thresholds are a joke.
Basically, happy buyers are effectively ignored by ebay.
Ebay's logic defies all reason.
In their words ( although this may not be verbatim )....
" Low DSR's ( 1's or 2's ) more accutately reflect a buyers experience".
In most cases they are most certainly an indicator
of a buyer's state of mind...lol
So, buyers who are truly happy and give you 5's are regarded by ebay as delusional ???
I have noticed that since January my ( up until then ) perfect 5's have been taking a hammering.
Perhaps in these times the crowd is getting tougher.
on โ28-06-2012 09:54 PM
I have no idea why so many sellers spend so much time stressing about their DSRs.
It is obvious from the number of buyers who come here when things go pear shaped that an awful lot of them take no notice of feedback never mind DSRs.
I only look at my rating once in a blue moon and as long as I am above the ebay average I forget about them again until the next time.
I found absolutely no difference in my sell through rate when I had or did not have TRS and at the end of the day that is the only thing I am concerned about.
on โ28-06-2012 10:20 PM
My reply has been left for the phorum_junkie !
on โ28-06-2012 11:07 PM
The other aspect of DSR's is that there is absolutely no quality control.
For example, a new buyer who knows nothing about how eBay works can register, buy something and leave DSR's (as can a buyer who hasn't used the system in years) without any form of "education".
At the very least there should be some sort of threshold level of transactions (eg 10 items in the last twelve months) before you can leave DSR's.
There's also very little margin for error, and the effects can last 12 months for small sellers.
And I disagree that they are of no consequence. Losing TRS at the moment does affect positioning in best match which CAN impact on your sales (just how much will vary). In the US (and no doubt it will come here as well eventually) there are quite significant discounts for TRS