Delivery time defect

Did something happen to the test defect system for delivery times last week (the new one that is coming)?


I had about 2% last week but then they all but dissapeared for some reason and now I have under 0.5%. It is over a 3 month period and the ones from october do not account for that.


There was some that had a grey dot that didn't count that I have no idea what are for. Maybe they ticked it was delivered late within the delivery time or something, creating a grey dot.


I have been adding buyers to my block list over the last month that tick late deliveries and have been really slack since christmas and have been delivering things late as well....Only usually one day late....Sales tend to drop quite a lot if buyers start rating delivery times low (or anything I guess)

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Re: Delivery time defect

Firstly, I have seen changes too, I had one late delivery strike from November, it disappeared over the weekend so I am back to a clean slate.  It may be that they are just getting ready to start the system for real.  My understanding was that the current reports were just a preview of how the new system will operate.  They haven't said whether it will start at 0 from Feb or be back dated.  It may be that they will only carry over those defects from the old system that would still result in a defect on the new one.


Secondly. I think blocking any buyers who answer yes to late postage is not only unfair, but it is rather like cutting your nose off to spite your face.  I would never ask nor expect a buyer to lie about the date received.  If you block them all you may well be turning away repeat customers.  IMO you would do better to extend your handling time instead, then there would be no need for them to lie.


Message 2 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

If you have tracking, but no lodgement, tracking could trigger a defect, but then if buyer subsequently ticks on time it could be removed??


Message 3 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

Very strange.  All my late shipping defects have gone except for the one that I am appealing as I have lodgement evidence.

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

Only being a small seller luckily I have not had a defect yet (sure I will in time) but a question I have seen some people say they are appealing defects but how do you know which sale a defect is for? all I have seen it the dot graph which to me each dot could be for any sale

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

I expect they are getting ready for the switch over to the new method.  My dashboard pojection this morning says


The moment is almost here! Your new seller standards dashboard will be ready for you soon.




Message 6 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

On the new Global report at the top of the dashboard page, next to each criteria for defect there is a blue Get report link.  If you click this it loads a report of all defects in that category and lists the date and item as well as whether the defect was buyer reported or carrier reported (tracking events).


Message 7 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

The report has completely gone for mo now. For each one that recieves a defect it had the item title and date of purchase.


I shouldn't be blocking people that tick no and is more of a protest against the system, not the best business practice. I hope that the customers try to buy from me again and end up annoying ebay about it.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

Pffttttt why do big companies have a habit of messing with things that are not broken the new layout is more complicated and does not give any more info that I can see. With all the messing about it has not updated which is annoying me I have been waiting since the 4th for it to update so I click over the 100 sales and get powerseller status they seem determined not to give it to me.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Delivery time defect

As usual, a change has been made but we get no explanation of why, how or what for.

Typically, eBay spin it as an "improvement" and isn't it wonderful (lol).


I had a couple of "late shipment" defects disappeared as well and have no idea why as they seemed quite legitimate and to fit eBay's published criteria.


The one remaining defect is the only one I would have challenged as eBay quoted 3 days for a letter to Norfolk Island while AP quote 2 to 6 (and business days at that).

According to the buyer, who I did contact, even that estimate is more hopeful than actual.

Letters fly weekly (or fortnightly if cargo space is limited); parcels sail monthly (or 2 monthly if they miss the boat).


This buyer was, like most, under the impression that the late delivery question from eBay was a simple survey aimed at calibrating their postage estimates.

She was simply telling them that they were wrong about the times they were estimating.

She had no idea her answer would result in a detriment to me and was quite shocked that it could.


I'm still quite miffed at the way eBay represent this question to customers by providing no explanation as to why it is being asked.


Also, does anyone know of a mechanism for challenging these late defects that doesn't involve a protracted delay to chat with a Phillipino know nothing?

Message 10 of 12
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