Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

Just out of interest how many people click on sellers store doors to browse for items ? I know I never do, only searching for items by description. If you do, what is your demographic profile, broadly speaking ? 


I suspect the stores appeal to woman more than men and perhaps 40 years + old. Teenagers may also use the facility although they tend to use other sites more than ebay. I suspect buyers of womans fashion, vintage items and crafty people would be regular browsers of stores.  


I,m just interested to know if it is a demographic thing. My stores are pretty basic. Am I missing an opportunity here ? My market is mature aged men, and I find the old store design easier to navigate with more items per page and neatly lined up on top of each other. To me this makes it quicker and more efficient to browse. ( I dont have the time to really browse and rarely buy on impulse. )


I get it is not as Funky and the smaller pics not eye catching for the impulse buyer.  How important is store layout to you, and does it influence your purchases ?

Message 1 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

I always click on a store, hopefully they are nicely categorized so I can find things easier.


Not buying clothes or stuff like that and I'm no spring chicken


I have to agree with you I like the older stores better for browsing and my own store is an older one because it's easier to customize.

Message 2 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

I agree having items in the correct catagory is important. My items are catagorised by brand and also included in a second product use catagory.

Message 3 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

Well i can pritty much garentee that phone users wont do it, if infact they wont even see it unless going to fullsite, i did touch a door for the first time a bit ago, but then again im finding myself touching a lot of things in full site just to see what it does.... That last part sounds sooo wrong 😉
*we may be human, but we are still animals*
Message 4 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

I always click on the store door.  Just to see what they have.  
Am a great browser ...... mature age female, yes into craft ..... 
The other E site ... which is probably a browsing site .... in sellers stats shows totals for site and phone visitors .... phone visitors represent less than a third of site visitors.

Message 5 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

i don't think i have ever clicked on a store door. i allways search by description in the search bar at the top of the page then go 'worldwide' then 'all' then 'item plus postage lowest first' unless its something australia only like electrical goods.

Message 6 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

Honored Contributor

@chameleon54 wrote:

I suspect the stores appeal to woman more than men and perhaps 40 years + old. Teenagers may also use the facility although they tend to use other sites more than ebay. I suspect buyers of womans fashion, vintage items and crafty people would be regular browsers of stores.  

Got it in one chameleon.....I am an elderly female, buy womens clothing, vintage collectables and some craft items and have plenty of time to browse through stores.

Message 7 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

I'm on a normal computer, not a phone or anything. And I am an older female. A grandmother, no less.


I tend to search for items with key words & then look at what comes up. Sometimes that then guides me to tweak my search terms.

I rarely click on the store icons.

Occasionally I have done so, but unless it is really clear and well set out & easy to find stuff, I click out again. For instance, I recently wanted to see the stock of a person I bought from a couple of years back. He had the most excellent scrapbooking things back then and very reasonable, in fact cheap postage from USA.

I had him saved as a seller but when I went into his store to look for specific items, there was just too much that wasn't related so I gave up in frustration.


Message 8 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

It sounds like I dont need to worry too much about making my store all fancy. With the slow down in sales recently, you do start to question wether there is a better way to do things, and I have wondered if i,m a bit of a dinasaur, getting left behind by ebays hip and happening changes.


My customer base is mainly middle age, male, small business owners and I doubt that they would have the time or interest in browsing my store. Perhaps I should just stick to listing some fresh items and revising old listings to get things moving again.    Smiley Happy

Message 9 of 21
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Do you click on red & blue store doors to browse stores ?

@chameleon54 wrote:



I suspect the stores appeal to woman more than men and perhaps 40 years + old. Teenagers may also use the facility although they tend to use other sites more than ebay. I suspect buyers of womans fashion, vintage items and crafty people would be regular browsers of stores.  



Sorry, but I did sigh a little when I read that... Smiley Embarassed Not insulted or upset or anything, in case my post comes across that way, just a little puzzled 😛 


"What else might this store have that interests me..." (in terms of clicking on store doors) isn't the kind of thing that occurs based on age, gender etc. If anything, it's more item type than buyer type. If you're selling rare car parts, chances are a buyer is just going to be looking for one or two things a lot of the time and will use search (or even saved search notifications) to catch what pops up.


I get a lot of male buyers for jewellery and craft supplies, and they often buy several or even bulk items as a matter of practicality, or perhaps just cos they like my style 😄


My advice - don't second guess your customer's based on your pre-conceived bias (I say that because it's not the first time you've discounted an idea in favour of thinking it's more "for women" eg Facebook - and I'm not shaking my fist at you or anything like that, I just think it might help if you didn't place unnecessary limitations on yourself or business by assuming something won't appeal to your current customer base, or new buyers).


For what it is worth, I hate list view. It is far too compact for my eyes and nothing is distinguished (and that's just not about the images, I hate it when I go to a business supply store where I know exactly what I'm looking for and find list view). The font is smaller, everything is squashed together and it's harder to browse in general. 


But.... I am a 40-year old woman, so.... unsure

Message 10 of 21
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