on 01-12-2014 02:25 PM
Just when you thought Scambay have reached an all new low, they manage to limbo through with an even more insulting act. They just payed themselves from my own bank account because the money I have in my PP account is STILL BEING HELD BY EBAY!!!! Not only have I had to pay delivery costs out of my own pocket, now I'm out of pocket for their overpriced unprofessional services, and they still have my money. These guys are Unbeleivable! Just hanging around untill I get my money then it's time to abandon ship......
on 01-12-2014 02:29 PM
on 01-12-2014 02:37 PM
If there is not a high enough balance in your paypal account, paypal then defaults to a bank account or credit card to process any charges. I curently have over $300 in my paypal account, but it is bing held by Ebay because of their new 21 day hold policy.
on 01-12-2014 02:55 PM
I changed the payment agreement somewhere in my settings.I don't want them touching anything in my bank account as my fees were paid through the month using the "make a one time payment option".Also i don't trust them not to dig in there.
I sold stuff on my buying account 2 months ago just before news of the MBG. i think & had to add bank account details including a new agreement.Probably to allow for them to get $ back to refund buyers randomly.They did not hold $ from me though & i have the 10 listing limit on that account.
SNADbay have given you a very warm welcome indeed.Sorry for your nasty experience,everyone hates it.I think they need a change. obay...or else...
on 01-12-2014 03:23 PM
Can I make a couple of suggestions ..
Don't have a bank account that allows withdrawals attached to your PayPal account.
Have a look at using the eBay Postage Labels. You'll save on postage and you don't have to pay upfront. The cost is added to your monthly invoice. You have the option of using flat-rate satchels or boxes at flat-rate prices or your own packaging at assessed prices.
The current 10% rebate on 500g assessed parcels runs until the end of the year. Hopefully they'll negotiate an extension. All the other prices range from 2%-10% cheaper than standard over the counter prices.
When using the assessed rates you can usually purchase mailing cartons and padded envelopes from eBay suppliers cheaper than from Aus Post.
on 01-12-2014 03:56 PM
It would be great if it was a credit card account they took the money from - a little chargeback coming up, I would think!!
If you haven't already, please lodge a complaint with the FOS. You will get your money and it will cost PP (just thinking, I wonder if PP will then backcharge eBay for all the $1500's they are going to have to fork out!!)
on 01-12-2014 03:59 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, Unfortunately The items I sell on my other account can't be sent by Aus Post so I have to use a courier service. The paypal account was originally set up for our business, at the time it was set up it was required to be linked to an account, it was probably a mistake to use the same one for ebay, might have to set up a second PP account just for ebay....
on 01-12-2014 04:13 PM
That's exactly what I do too, in order to avoid any kind of bill at the end.
But doing what they have done in this case is just so wrong on so many levels it's making my blood boil just thinking about it. They just don't care what they are doing to people and their families. What if that money had been set aside for medication or something? (for all I know it MAY have been).
Sorry, off my soap box - just so angry.
on 01-12-2014 04:42 PM
If you abandon the old (TUG ! ) boat ebay, Get on board the streamlined SS Betsy ! I've had more interest in my listed items in 3 days than ebay could ever deliver in 3 months.I'm sailing away into the sunset !!, and now 85% of my items are for sale to overseas buyers, without ebay lifting my wallet from my back pocket on the fees on postage, when the items sell, I'm in heaven.
Ebay should be wearing a mask when it's sending out the monthly invoices.
Hope all goes well, with whatever you decide to do !
on 01-12-2014 04:48 PM
On Friday I took money out with my card at the PO, but it came out of my credit card instead of my savings a/c -grrrrrr.
Saturday arvo I saw the glitch & as the Commonwealth Bank was offering 3 things - stopping cash withdrawals from a credit card, stopping anyone overseas using your credit card number & online purchases where the company is overseas.
I took them up on the offer & guess what, the bank dinged a 1 cent credit card charge, so have had to let the online purchases thru, this includes Paypal, Feebay & Etsy. It was actually (B)etsy checking my credit card. The (B)etsy one seems to have worked on their end, but the 1 cent didn't go thru, so not sure whether I'm right with them & there's no way to ring them to find out.
I've still got the cash withdrawal & anyone actually overseas thing in place. Wish I could tell the bank which organisations can put a charge my credit card. Nothing can be done with the bank a/c tho.